shutter-network / rolling-shutter

Rolling Shutter is an MEV protection system to be plugged into rollups.
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Keypers spam "failed to dial" error logs #467

Open jannikluhn opened 4 days ago

jannikluhn commented 4 days ago

During normal operation, keypers show a lot of log messages similar to this:

keyper-1  | 2024/06/28 14:17:47.927391 ERR [           dht.go:96] error dialing peer error="failed to dial 12D3KooWCt78wkASE7KwtS4VenLoaPdxy9VmddzRC2UZKnRWPqEV: all dials failed\n  * [/ip4/] dial to self attempted\n  * [/ip4/] dial backoff" peer=12D3KooWCt78wkASE7KwtS4VenLoaPdxy9VmddzRC2UZKnRWPqEV

This should not be an error, but rather to be expected that an external address cannot be dialed. So this should be info or debug logs, ideally ones that are easily silencable.

We should also investigate why there's so many bad addresses in the DHT. It seems keypers advertize docker-internal addresses.

jannikluhn commented 1 day ago

downgraded the logs to DBG, but leaving the issue open due to:

We should also investigate why there's so many bad addresses in the DHT. It seems keypers advertize docker-internal addresses.