shutter-network / shutter-explorer

An explorer to make shutter information publicly available
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Make dashboard end user friendly and public #1

Open ylembachar opened 1 month ago

ylembachar commented 1 month ago


Develop a public UI to make Shutter information publicly available. The UI will pull data from different data sources (observer and encrypting rpc) in a secure way, and will provide insights into shutterized slots, transaction lifecycles and registered validators.


Page 1: System Overview

Validator overview

Keyper Overview

Transaction Overview

Inclusion Time Overview

MEV Dashboard

Page 2: Key Generation Overview

Slot overview

Decryption Key Overview

Timestamps Seen: List of timestamps when decryption keys were observed

Transaction Overview

Page 3: Transaction Detail Page


Develop a backend service to extract data from all relevant data sources while ensuring secure data access, either by exporting the data via a JSON API or by querying the relevant information from the different data sources.


Consult with the marketing team to get the graphical designs for the above interfaces.


List of sub-tasks / issues to create

1) Confirm with business/design teams 2) Build the backend component 3) Build the front-end component

pepae commented 1 month ago

Looks good! I'm not sure how cluttered the overview page will be, especially if we're adding more of the info that Anthony suggested, so would probably already recommend splitting the overview into 2, (for then a total of 3 pages e.g.

1) Overview (e.g. # of shutterized validators, # of keypers, keyper threshold, total # of shutterized transactions to date, average time to inclusion etc.) + general MEV dashboard: with $ stolen, $ saved, % of shuttered transactions out of all chains

2) Key generation overview

3) Transaction Detail Page

And you guys checked your items against this right?

ylembachar commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback, I've updated the description with more details and checked against the items on the original EPIC.

(Yes, search bar would lead to 3.)

pepae commented 1 month ago

Thanks, great!

caravello00 commented 3 weeks ago

Quickly aligning on the call we just had with @faheelsattar @pepae @ulope (I can't seem to tag tatu)

Engine Room/Dashboard:

Content for Gnosis Chain Dashboard:

1) Overview (e.g. # of shutterized validators, # of keypers, keyper threshold, total # of shutterized transactions to date, average time to inclusion etc.) + general MEV dashboard: with $ stolen, $ saved, % of shuttered transactions out of all chains

2) Key generation overview

3) Transaction Detail Page

Design Support Needed

My proposed menu and tabs layout


caravello00 commented 3 weeks ago

For design development:

  1. Confirm content display for the dashboard
  2. Itemized list of content in a doc (with an example of what it could look like) to share with the design agency to mock up
  3. Brief the agency together
  4. A mock up, and design elements for each itemized list of content
ylembachar commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @caravello00, we had the meeting to confirm the content and the format and added everything under this document.

caravello00 commented 3 weeks ago

@ylembachar thanks for this, I added several comments, let's jump on a call together with tatu (I still can't tag him) when you're online, and schedule a chat with the vendor today.

caravello00 commented 3 weeks ago

@ylembachar (I still can't tag tatu) we need a few more details about the design work for development:

ylembachar commented 3 weeks ago

@caravello00 Questions answered during our call. You can tag Tatu now.