shutter-project / shutter

Screenshot tool for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Screenshot takes 2-3 seconds to make on Ubuntu #549

Open amcsi opened 1 year ago

amcsi commented 1 year ago

Brief summary of issue

It takes 2-3 seconds to make a screenshot with Shutter. This is a problem, because I often attempt to make a screenshot, then alt-tab to somewhere else, and then later realize that what I made a screenshot of was what I alt-tabbed into.

See lower down for a video.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Run shutter --full --delay=0 -e -o ~/Pictures/Screenshot_%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S.png
  2. Observe how long it takes to make the screenshot
  3. Rather than the screenshot being nearly instantaneous, it takes 2-3 seconds.

Error output

Extra information, such as Shutter version, display server in use (Xorg or Wayland), operating system and ideas for how to solve:

0.99.2 Rev.1593 Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS Display Server: x11

Ideas: with all this unsolicited debug information I got, perhaps the PPA leads me to some heavily unoptimized debug build of the application?



vadi2 commented 1 year ago

What resolution are you running?

amcsi commented 1 year ago

I have 2x 1080p monitors.

Photon89 commented 1 year ago

Shutter takes some seconds to load indeed. Also, the debug output is expected, see But once Shutter has started and is sitting in the tray, taking screenshots should be fast, both from CLI and from GUI.

amcsi commented 1 year ago

I was hoping the issue was as simple to fix as that, but I tried, and not quite.

First of all, yes I can start shutter by itself, and it brings up a window, adds itself to the try, and stays open.

Then when I run the command to make a screenshot (not using the GUI), it takes a screenshot in 1 second. Still not instantaneous, but a better than 2-3 seconds. As a reminder: the delays are bad, because I can alt-tab away from the windows I wanted to make screenshots of, taking a screenshot of the thing I alt-tabbed into instead by mistake.

Then as soon as the screenshot is made, shutter that's on the tray exists. And from then on it's back to 2-3 second screenshots.

Photon89 commented 1 year ago

Then as soon as the screenshot is made, shutter that's on the tray exists.

That shouldn't happen. Could you please

  1. Run shutter from CLI.
  2. Run shutter -f while Shutter is sitting in the tray in a different terminal window.
  3. If Shutter exists and is not present in the tray any more, post the additional output from your shutter command in step 1 which has been shown after step 2.
amcsi commented 1 year ago

@Photon89 shutter -f did not exist shutter. I realized that it's because it didn't have -e in the command like mine. After removing -e from my command, it also stopped existing shutter in the try.

That being said, I still saved the outputs:

So the situation is much better. Though there's still a ~1 second delay when making a screenshot from CLI even still. It would be really awesome if something could be done with that delay too.

It appears that when making a screenshot through the GUI, the delay is even less ~500ms, which is pretty good already, but I can't achieve that using the CLI which I bound to global hotkeys.

Photon89 commented 1 year ago

I think, that's because Shutter starts loading stuff when executed from CLI and only after half a second notices that an instance is already running and then connects to it. Maybe the check for an existing instance could be placed earlier in the launching routine? @DarthGandalf, any thoughts?

DarthGandalf commented 1 year ago

Potentially this time could be decreased, but I don't know how much: CLI definitely loads too much stuff it won't use, but I can't remove some of it without breaking GUI (because of how Perl works with GLib). Likely rewriting shutter on Rust or whatever will yield more performance improvement.