shuzhao-li-lab / asari

asari, metabolomics data preprocessing
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Error when using docker-converted singularity container #27

Closed gmhhope closed 1 year ago

gmhhope commented 1 year ago

To facilitate processing data using Asari in HPC, convert the Asari docker image shuzhao/asari:1.9.2

  1. Convert docker to a singularity container

    module load singularity
    singularity pull docker://shuzhao/asari:1.9.2
  2. When run with the following bash script

    #SBATCH --job-name=asari-HILICpos
    #SBATCH --mail-type=END
    #SBATCH -p compute
    #SBATCH -q batch
    #SBATCH -t 48:23:00
    #SBATCH --mem=2000

module load singularity


MODE=pos IN_PATH=/projects/.../HILICpos_RPneg/merged/HILICpos_FS/

singularity exec ~/sif_containers/asari_1.9.2.sif asari process --mode $MODE --input $IN_PATH

2. A FATAL error comes out

^[[31mFATAL: ^[[0m image targets arm64, cannot run on amd64

I suspected that the issue may arise from the fact that the docker image was created using Apple M1 computer which use arm64 dialect. Maybe I can try with the original docker file that you use.
gmhhope commented 1 year ago

Regenerate the docker image solves the issue using the docker file: