shwenzhang / AndResGuard

proguard resource for Android by wechat team
Apache License 2.0
8.49k stars 1.53k forks source link

1.2.21版本适配gradle 7.0提示缺少input,output anotations #461

Open shitianyi-nju opened 3 years ago

shitianyi-nju commented 3 years ago



drakeet commented 2 years ago

+1, 我来给个文字版,便于被谷歌检索: AGP: 7.0.0 AndResGuard: 1.2.21

Some problems were found with the configuration of task ':app:resguardProdRelease' (type 'AndResGuardTask').
  - In plugin 'AndResGuard' type 'com.tencent.gradle.AndResGuardTask' property 'android' is missing an input or output annotation.
liupengandroid commented 2 years ago


WeiJieJin commented 1 year ago


AndroidLMY commented 1 year ago
