shycats / VirtuCameraBlender

Blender add-on to use with VirtuCamera iOS App for realtime camera motion capture.
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Cannot stream viewport #9

Closed rtasan closed 2 years ago

rtasan commented 2 years ago

Hi When I tap the eye icon in iPad app to stream viewport, the plugin crashes and stop working If I don't touch it, everything else works fine

Software: Blender 2.93.4 Scene: Default cube setup Plugin version:

Here is the console

VirtuCamera: Starting Viewport Capture. 60.00 fps, 2.00 Mbits/s, Opaque: 1, Autosend: 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Reiko\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\virtucamera_blender\", line 862, in timer_function vcserver.execute_pending_events() File "vc_core.pyx", line 1007, in virtucamera.vc_core.VCServer.execute_pending_events File "vc_core.pyx", line 1795, in virtucamera.vc_core.VCServer._start_streaming File "vc_core.pyx", line 1583, in virtucamera.vc_core.VCServer._start_encoding File "vc_core.pyx", line 1537, in virtucamera.vc_core.VCServer._start_subprocess File "vc_core.pyx", line 1520, in virtucamera.vc_core.VCServer._get_environment TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list

shycats commented 2 years ago


Thanks for reporting this, I will try to reproduce the problem and let you know as soon as I fix it.

shycats commented 2 years ago

@rtasan Hey, I've tried on Windows 10 with Blender 2.93.4 but I'm unable to reproduce your error. Is it possible that you are using a custom Blender build, with a custom Python version? Or maybe Windows 11?

Other explanation could be that another plug-in is modifying sys.path in a non conventional way. Maybe try disabling all third-party plug-ins and restarting Blender.

rtasan commented 2 years ago

I identified the plugin that was causing the problem and fixed the code. Now both work fine. Thank you for your help.

shycats commented 2 years ago

Awesome! closing ticket.