shyiko / servers-maven-extension

Maven extension for exposing settings.xml/servers to ${}
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Support Encrypted password #2

Closed sbouchet closed 9 years ago

sbouchet commented 9 years ago


your plugin is great, but i cannot use an encrypted password :(

it seems possible to do so, for example the maven-gae-plugin can do it.

Can you add this support in some next version ?


shyiko commented 9 years ago

Hi. If you could provide a sample project (describing actual & expected behaviors) it would greatly increase chances of me fixing the issue. Thank you.

sbouchet commented 9 years ago

sure. below is a settings.xml file with encrypted password :

<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

I can use your plugin, but the result of the ${settings.servers.server.my_server.password} evaluation is the encrypted password, whereas i expect to have the decrypted one. looking at the gae-plugin , it should be possible to interact with the security manager in the pojo class.


shyiko commented 9 years ago

Should become available through Maven Central (release 0.3.0) in the next 24h. Thanks a lot :beer:

sbouchet commented 9 years ago

great ! tested today, it works :+1:

BTW, the correct version is 1.3.0, not 0.3.0 :smile: