shyiko / servers-maven-extension

Maven extension for exposing settings.xml/servers to ${}
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Eclipse integration ? #5

Open old-o opened 7 years ago

old-o commented 7 years ago

Hi Stanley,

This is a very useful extension. Thank you!

We successfully used it for a multi-module project where we need username/password for tests calling a web service and we do not want to store them in source control in plaintext in the pom.xml.

It all works well in pure Maven builds (on CI build server) and also with the Intellij IDE (we use Community Edition) and its Maven integration.

But in Eclipse (tested in Oxygen and Mars) the extension does not seem to have any effect. None of the property expressions of the form ${settings.servers.*} are substituted.

Is this a known limitation? Do you know if we need to install or configure something in Eclipse to make the extension work within the Eclipse Maven life-cycle integration?

Thanks Oliver

shyiko commented 7 years ago

Hi Oliver,

I'm sorry but I honestly have no idea (I haven't used Eclipse for ~10 years). If you find a way to make it work, though, please let me know. It might be helpful to the next person stumbling over the same problem.

azzazzel commented 7 years ago

Hi Oliver, do you use EMBEDDED Maven runtime? If so, try to configure Eclipse with external Maven installation and see if that works (keep in mind you'll have to also manually update the runtime in the existing Run Configurations).