shytikov / pragmasevka

Pragmata Pro doppelgänger made of Iosevka SS08
SIL Open Font License 1.1
174 stars 9 forks source link

I'm throwing money at the screen but nothing happens #6

Closed runiq closed 4 months ago

runiq commented 11 months ago

In other words, I've used Pragmasevka now for an extended amount of time and I feel the urge to toss a 5€ your way. Would you mind setting up a donation link or something? Or just send me a Paypal address, I don't mind either way. :)

romanr commented 6 months ago

You should pay for PragmataPro then.

shytikov commented 4 months ago

Hej, sorry missed it for a long time, but as @romanr I cannot justify taking money for this effort, but I'm thinking about an original coding font, maybe then :)

Thank you though for your support! Hope you all enjoying the font so far!