Outside of the metrics inside Lighthouse which determine Lighthouse scores, how do the various audits compare to or impact CWV performance? For example:
large JavasScript libraries
third party code
font display
unused CSS
unused JS
critical request chains
offscreen images
Measure all and report on ones with impact, maybe in a format more like #5
Perhaps distribution (not against CWV) would also be interesting.
Show as a percent of origins meeting green or as distribution mapped to red/green/yellow.
Outside of the metrics inside Lighthouse which determine Lighthouse scores, how do the various audits compare to or impact CWV performance? For example:
Measure all and report on ones with impact, maybe in a format more like #5
Perhaps distribution (not against CWV) would also be interesting.
Show as a percent of origins meeting green or as distribution mapped to red/green/yellow.
(reference article and data)