sialcasa / mvvmFX

an Application Framework for implementing the MVVM Pattern with JavaFX
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On demand validation #618

Open daniel-sarov opened 3 years ago

daniel-sarov commented 3 years ago

Are there any plans to include on demand validation, using ControlsFxVisualizer , like in controlsfx : validationSupport.setErrorDecorationEnabled(true or false)?

manuel-mauky commented 3 years ago

What does this flag do in controlsfx? In the JavaDoc I haven't found a good description. What is the desired behavior?

daniel-sarov commented 3 years ago

With this flag there is a way to suppress error decorations, when the "validators" are registered in "validationSupport" in controlsfx with: validationSupport.setErrorDecorationEnabled(false). Later, when we actually want to validate (on submit button for example) we need to reset it to default value: validationSupport.setErrorDecorationEnabled(true). This way, fields still get validated by every change but error decorations are not shown until we actually want them to be shown.

It would be nice after "ControlsFxVisualizer" initialization in View like this: ValidationVisualizer visualizer = new ControlsFxVisualizer(); visualizer.initVisualization(...); to use similar methods to the following where it is necessary : visualizer.hideErrorDecoration() , visualizer.showErrorDecoration() or like in controlsfx - setErrorDecorationEnabled(...)

manuel-mauky commented 3 years ago

This sounds good. We would need to:

Adjustments to the actual visualizer implementations like ControlsFXVisualization shouldn't be needed as far as I can see.

However, I'm not sure if I will find the time to implement this in the near future. If you like, I'm happy to accept a PR for this feature.

daniel-sarov commented 3 years ago

Ok, when i have spare time , i will do it and send PR.