sib-swiss / dsSwissKnifeClient

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function biplot.dssPrincomp doesn't work on dataset 'linnerud' from mixOmics #1

Closed ciropom closed 2 years ago

ciropom commented 2 years ago

Hello, I tried to run federated principal components on linnerud dataset from mixomic here linnerud.csv you will find the data in csv format. If I run this simple script

library(dsSwissKnifeClient) # functions with the dss prefix - the objects of these tests
library(dsBaseClient) #  functions with the ds. or datashield. prefixes come from this or related DataSHIELD packages

logindata <- read.delim('logindata.txt') # read the login information

opals <- datashield.login(logindata)

datashield.assign(opals, 'D', 'mixOmics.linnerud')

remote_pca <- dssPrincomp('D', async=F, datasources=opals)

# We can layer the kmeans cluster classification onto the PCA biplots:
biplot.dssPrincomp(remote_pca$global, datasources=opals)


the output is

Carico il pacchetto richiesto: DSI
Carico il pacchetto richiesto: progress
Carico il pacchetto richiesto: R6
Carico il pacchetto richiesto: DSOpal
Carico il pacchetto richiesto: opalr
Carico il pacchetto richiesto: httr
  server                  url          user password
1   DEMO http://client71:8080 administrator password

Logging into the collaborating servers
  Logged in all servers [================================================================] 100% / 1s
  Assigned all table (D <- ...) [========================================================] 100% / 1s
  Aggregated (partColMeans(D, FALSE)) [==================================================] 100% / 0s
  Aggregated (partCov(D, "WzkuNDUsMTQ1LjU1LDcwLjMsMTc4LjYsMzUuNCw1Ni4xXQ-equals--equals-base64", ...
  Assigned expr. (D_scores <- pcaScores(D, "W1stMC4wNDc5LDAuMDI2MywwLjAwMTQsLTAuMDI0NSwtMC45OTI5L...
  Aggregated (partRange('D_scores$Comp.1')) [============================================] 100% / 0s
  Aggregated (partMean(D_scores$Comp.1, TRUE)) [=========================================] 100% / 0s
  Aggregated (partSsd(D_scores$Comp.1,"W10-equals-base64")) [============================] 100% / 0s
[1] "Command 'partSsd(D_scores$Comp.1,\"W10-equals-base64\")' failed on 'DEMO': Error while evaluating 'dsSwissKnife::partSsd(D_scores$Comp.1, \"W10-equals-base64\")' -> Error in xvect - xpoint : non-numeric argument to binary operator\n"

Can you help me in identifying the issue here? Thank you Danilo

IulianD commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'll try to reproduce and get back to you. Best, Iulian

IulianD commented 2 years ago

Hi, the problem was in dsSwissKnife (server side) and I think I fixed it. Please reinstall dsSwissKnife on your server, have another go and let me know. Cheers, Iulian

ciropom commented 2 years ago

Thank you Iulian, it works now.