sib-swiss / dsSwissKnifeClient

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Princomp fails on real-world complexity dataset #3

Closed ciropom closed 2 years ago

ciropom commented 2 years ago

Hello, when the number of expression profiles grows, we have troubles executing remote PCA. For instance if we use the liver.toxicity dataset from mixOmics (you can export to csv with the following code and then import to opal)


X <- liver.toxicity$gene
fwrite(cbind(data.frame(Patient=seq(1,nrow(X))),X), file="mixOmics.liver.toxicity.csv", sep = ",")

and execute the remote principal component


opals <- datashield.login(logins=data.frame(server='DEMO',url='',user='administrator',password='password',table='mixOmics.mixOmics.liver.toxicity'))

datashield.assign(opals, 'D', 'mixOmics.mixOmics.liver.toxicity')

remote_pca <- dssPrincomp('D', async=F, datasources=opals)


after a long time, we always get an error like the one below

  Aggregated (partColMeans(D, FALSE)) [==================================================] 100% / 2s
  Aggregated (partCov(D, "Wy0wLjA0NDksLTAuMDA3OSwtMC4wMDk3LC0wLjAwMTIsLTAuMDMyOSwtMC4wMTc0LDAuMDA...
[1] "[Client error: (400) Bad Request]"
IulianD commented 2 years ago

Hello, You should be able to find more information about the error in your rserver log (not sure about your specific installation but it could be here: /var/lib/rserver/logs/Rserve.log). Could you paste it here please?

Best, Iulian

ciropom commented 2 years ago

In Rserve.log nothing related

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Loading required package: parallel
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Loading required package: parallel
Loading required package: unixtools
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Loading required package: labelled
Loading required package: parallel
Loading required package: unixtools
Loading required package: readr
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Today the error is different though

  Aggregated (partCov(Variables, "Wy0wLjA0NDksLTAuMDA3OSwtMC4wMDk3LC0wLjAwMTIsLTAuMDMyOSwtMC4wMTc...
  Assigned expr. (Variables.scores <- pcaScores(Variables, "W1siLTAuMDEwMjQrMGkiLCIwLjAxNjExKzBpI...
Warning: Error in value[[3L]]: C stack usage  28231434 is too close to the limit
IulianD commented 2 years ago


This looks like an R memory limitation. I have a few suggestions in increasing order of probability of success :

ciropom commented 2 years ago

Hello and thank you for your help. The workaround is not going to work, because the problem is not the number of rows (pretty limited, 64) but the number of columns (above 3000). Essentially the princomp function (but I believe also the other functions) slows down a lot as the number of columns of the table grows.

I'll try the other things and let you know. Danilo

ciropom commented 2 years ago

after upgrading and adding the option, the same error

opals <- datashield.login(logins=data.frame(server='DEMO',url='',user='administrator',password='password',table='mixOmics.mixOmics.liver.toxicity'))
dssSetOption(list(expressions = 500000), datasources=opals)

datashield.assign(opals, 'D', 'mixOmics.mixOmics.liver.toxicity')

remote_pca <- dssPrincomp('D', async=F, datasources=opals)
  Aggregated (partColMeans(D, FALSE)) [==================================================] 100% / 0s
  Aggregated (partCov(D, "Wy0wLjA0NDksLTAuMDA3OSwtMC4wMDk3LC0wLjAwMTIsLTAuMDMyOSwtMC4wMTc0LDAuMDA...
  Assigned expr. (D_scores <- pcaScores(D, "W1siMC4wMDU5OTgrMGkiLCIwLjAwMDIyMDIrMGkiLCIwLjAwNTM4K...
Error: There are some DataSHIELD errors, list them with datashield.errors()
> datashield.errors()
[1] "[Client error: (400) Bad Request]"
ciropom commented 2 years ago

If you can reproduce the issue locally with the same dataset it will help to undestand if it is reproducible or it is an issue with my setup. You will find the instructions in the first post. Thank you Danilo

IulianD commented 2 years ago

I am going to try in the following days but it seems reasonable to me that we are hitting some R limitations. Out of curiosity, does simple princomp() work on the same dataset?

IulianD commented 2 years ago

and perhaps a better question: are you able to calculate the covariance matrix on the dataset?

IulianD commented 2 years ago

Actually I can see that princomp() doesn't work on more variables than rows in any case and I use pretty much the same method. Granted, this is not the problem you're hitting. I mean, I think you are hitting an R limitation but even if you didn't the function would still fail. You could probably test this by taking a small subset of your data but keeping more columns than rows.

ciropom commented 2 years ago

You are right this dataset is not suitable for PCA. It looks like that for PCA to work, the number of instances should be significantly larger than the number of dimensions. This is not a dsSwissKnife issue.