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Snomed CT 中疾病相关关系分析与整理 #341

Closed Yijia-Zhou closed 4 years ago

Yijia-Zhou commented 4 years ago


Yijia-Zhou commented 4 years ago
import pandas as pd
import pymongo
import re 
import random
from copy import deepcopy
import requests, json
icd2sct = pd.read_table('Download/Mapping/mapSnomedToIcd.txt')
conceptId 亚目编码 mapAdvice term 亚目名称
0 240349003 A00.0 ALWAYS A00.0 Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae O1 Classical bi... 霍乱,由于01群霍乱弧菌,霍乱生物型所致
1 240349003 A00.0 ALWAYS A00.0 Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 Classical... 霍乱,由于01群霍乱弧菌,霍乱生物型所致
2 240349003 A00.0 ALWAYS A00.0 Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 Classical... 霍乱,由于01群霍乱弧菌,霍乱生物型所致
3 81020007 A00.1 ALWAYS A00.1 Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae El Tor 霍乱,由于01群霍乱弧菌,埃尔托生物型所致
4 81020007 A00.1 ALWAYS A00.1 Cholera - Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor biotype 霍乱,由于01群霍乱弧菌,埃尔托生物型所致
5 81020007 A00.1 ALWAYS A00.1 Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae El Tor 霍乱,由于01群霍乱弧菌,埃尔托生物型所致
6 81020007 A00.1 ALWAYS A00.1 Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae El Tor (diso... 霍乱,由于01群霍乱弧菌,埃尔托生物型所致
7 63650001 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Cholera 未特指的霍乱
8 63650001 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Cholera (disorder) 未特指的霍乱
9 63650001 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Vibrio cholerae infection 未特指的霍乱
10 240351004 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Cholera - O139 group Vibrio cholerae 未特指的霍乱
11 240351004 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Cholera - O139 group Vibrio cholerae (disorder) 未特指的霍乱
12 240351004 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae O139 未特指的霍乱
13 446672004 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Intestinal infection due to Vibrio cholerae no... 未特指的霍乱
14 446672004 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Intestinal infection caused by Vibrio cholerae... 未特指的霍乱
15 446672004 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Intestinal infection caused by Vibrio cholerae... 未特指的霍乱
16 240350003 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Cholera - non-agglutinable vibrio 未特指的霍乱
17 240350003 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Cholera - non-O1 group vibrio 未特指的霍乱
18 240350003 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Cholera - non-O1 group vibrio (disorder) 未特指的霍乱
19 447282003 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Intestinal infection due to Vibrio cholerae O1 未特指的霍乱
20 447282003 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Intestinal infection caused by Vibrio cholerae... 未特指的霍乱
21 447282003 A00.9 ALWAYS A00.9 Intestinal infection caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 未特指的霍乱
22 1084791000119106 A01.0 ALWAYS A01.0 Cardiac disorder due to typhoid fever (disorder) 伤寒
23 1084791000119106 A01.0 ALWAYS A01.0 Cardiac disorder due to typhoid fever 伤寒
24 192648008 A01.0 ALWAYS A01.0 Meningitis due to typhoid fever 伤寒
25 192648008 A01.0 ALWAYS A01.0 Meningitis caused by typhoid fever 伤寒
26 192648008 A01.0 ALWAYS A01.0 Meningitis caused by typhoid fever (disorder) 伤寒
27 402963009 A01.0 ALWAYS A01.0 Typhoid exanthem (disorder) 伤寒
28 402963009 A01.0 ALWAYS A01.0 Typhoid exanthem 伤寒
29 402963009 A01.0 ALWAYS A01.0 Rose spots in salmonellosis 伤寒
... ... ... ... ... ...
241911 443596009 Z99.2 ALWAYS Z99.2 Dependence on peritoneal dialysis 依赖肾透析
241912 442566005 Z99.2 ALWAYS Z99.2 Surgically constructed radioulnar arteriovenou... 依赖肾透析
241913 442566005 Z99.2 ALWAYS Z99.2 Surgically constructed radioulnar arteriovenou... 依赖肾透析
241914 11000731000119102 Z99.2 ALWAYS Z99.2 Dependence on continuous ambulatory peritoneal... 依赖肾透析
241915 11000731000119102 Z99.2 ALWAYS Z99.2 Dependence on continuous ambulatory peritoneal... 依赖肾透析
241916 105503008 Z99.3 ALWAYS Z99.3 Dependence on wheelchair (finding) 依赖轮椅
241917 105503008 Z99.3 ALWAYS Z99.3 Dependence on wheelchair 依赖轮椅
241918 371818002 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Patient on intra-aortic balloon pump assist (f... 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241919 371818002 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Patient on intra-aortic balloon pump assist 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241920 371819005 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Patient on circulatory assist (finding) 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241921 371819005 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Patient on circulatory assist 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241922 341000124104 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Peritoneal dialysis finding 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241923 341000124104 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Peritoneal dialysis finding (finding) 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241924 429091008 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on biphasic positive airway pressur... 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241925 429091008 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on biphasic positive airway pressur... 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241926 429091008 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on biphasic positive airway pressur... 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241927 89241000119108 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on nocturnal oxygen therapy 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241928 89241000119108 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on nocturnal oxygen therapy (finding) 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241929 716366009 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Requires continuous home oxygen supply (finding) 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241930 716366009 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Requires continuous home oxygen supply 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241931 89201000119106 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on supplemental oxygen when ambulating 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241932 89201000119106 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on supplemental oxygen when ambulat... 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241933 931000119107 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on supplemental oxygen 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241934 931000119107 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on supplemental oxygen (finding) 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241935 713655003 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on non-invasive ventilation 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241936 713655003 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on non-invasive ventilation (finding) 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241937 105501005 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on enabling machine or device (find... 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241938 105501005 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on enabling machine or device 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241939 60651000119103 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on continuous supplemental oxygen (... 依赖其他可启动机器和装置
241940 60651000119103 Z99.8 ALWAYS Z99.8 Dependence on continuous supplemental oxygen 依赖其他可启动机器和装置

241941 rows × 5 columns

for line in list(icd2sct['conceptId']):
    assert type(line) == int
rela = pd.read_table('Download/SnomedCT_InternationalRF2_PRODUCTION_20190731T120000Z/Delta/Terminology/sct2_Relationship_Delta_INT_20190731.txt')
rela = rela[rela['active']==1]
client = pymongo.MongoClient(host='localhost', port=27017)
db = client.sym_info.sym_info
sym_sctid_list = [re.findall(r'sctid-(\d+)', item['bmesh'])[0] for item in db.find() if len(re.findall(r'sctid-(\d+)', item['bmesh']))>0]
icd_id_set = set(icd2sct['conceptId'])
sym_id_set = set(sym_sctid_list)
descri = pd.read_table('Download/SnomedCT_InternationalRF2_PRODUCTION_20190731T120000Z/Delta/Terminology/sct2_Description_Delta-en_INT_20190731.txt')
descri = descri[descri['active']==1]
for row in rela.iterrows():
    sctids = tuple(row[1][['sourceId', 'destinationId']])
    if sctids[0] in icd_id_set and len(descri[descri['conceptId']==sctids[1]]) != 0:
        print('sctids[0] in icd_id_set')
        print(' *****************************\n *****************************\n *****************************\n')
    elif sctids[1] in icd_id_set and len(descri[descri['conceptId']==sctids[0]]) != 0:
        print('sctids[1] in icd_id_set')
        print(' *****************************\n *****************************\n *****************************\n')
sctids[1] in icd_id_set
        conceptId   亚目编码                                          mapAdvice  \
195302  129135003  T11.3  ALWAYS T11.3 | POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR AN EXT...   
195303  129135003  T11.3  ALWAYS T11.3 | POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR AN EXT...   

                                                 term              亚目名称  
195302             Injury of nerve of upper extremity  上肢未特指神经的损伤,水平未特指  
195303  Injury of nerve of upper extremity (disorder)  上肢未特指神经的损伤,水平未特指  
               id  effectiveTime  active            moduleId  conceptId  \
12385  3767137017       20190731       1  900000000000207008  212295006   
12386  3767138010       20190731       1  900000000000207008  212295006   

      languageCode              typeId  \
12385           en  900000000000003001   
12386           en  900000000000013009   

                                                term  caseSignificanceId  
12385  Injury of intercostobrachial nerve (disorder)  900000000000448009  
12386             Injury of intercostobrachial nerve  900000000000448009  

sctids[0] in icd_id_set
        conceptId   亚目编码     mapAdvice                                  term  \
167541  232354002  R04.0  ALWAYS R04.0                    Anterior epistaxis   
167542  232354002  R04.0  ALWAYS R04.0   Epistaxis from Kiesselbach's plexus   
167543  232354002  R04.0  ALWAYS R04.0  Epistaxis from anterior nasal septum   
167544  232354002  R04.0  ALWAYS R04.0          Epistaxis from Little's area   
167545  232354002  R04.0  ALWAYS R04.0         Anterior epistaxis (disorder)   

167541  鼻出血  
167542  鼻出血  
167543  鼻出血  
167544  鼻出血  
167545  鼻出血  
               id  effectiveTime  active            moduleId  conceptId  \
17352  3773980012       20190731       1  900000000000207008   95433000   
17353  3773981011       20190731       1  900000000000207008   95433000   

      languageCode              typeId                                 term  \
17352           en  900000000000003001  Disorder of nasal septum (disorder)   
17353           en  900000000000013009              Disease of nasal septum   

17352  900000000000448009  
17353  900000000000448009  

data = []
for row in rela.iterrows():
    row_result = {}
    sctids = tuple(row[1][['sourceId', 'destinationId']])
    if sctids[0] in icd_id_set and len(descri[descri['conceptId']==sctids[1]]) != 0:
        icd_result = icd2sct[icd2sct['conceptId']==sctids[0]]
        row_result['icd_id'] = list(icd_result['亚目编码'])[0]
        row_result['icd_name'] = list(icd_result['亚目名称'])[0]
        row_result['icd_where'] = 'source'
        row_result['another_sctid'] = deepcopy(sctids[1])
        descri_result = descri[descri['conceptId']==sctids[1]]
        row_result['another_sct_term'] = list(descri_result['term'])[0]
        row_result['relation_type_id'] = row[1]['typeId']

    elif sctids[1] in icd_id_set and len(descri[descri['conceptId']==sctids[0]]) != 0:
        icd_result = icd2sct[icd2sct['conceptId']==sctids[1]]
        row_result['icd_id'] = list(icd_result['亚目编码'])[0]
        row_result['icd_name'] = list(icd_result['亚目名称'])[0]
        row_result['icd_where'] = 'destination'
        row_result['another_sctid'] = deepcopy(sctids[0])
        descri_result = descri[descri['conceptId']==sctids[0]]
        row_result['another_sct_term'] = list(descri_result['term'])[0]
        row_result['relation_type_id'] = row[1]['typeId']
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)[['icd_id', 'icd_name', 'icd_where', 'another_sctid', 'another_sct_term', 'relation_type_id', ]]

翻译 sct term

def caiyunQuery(q):
    url = ""

    token = "mql8jp2ciiq0mqjqbrmo"

    payload = {
            "source" : q, 
            "trans_type" : "en2zh",
            "request_id" : "demo",

    headers = {
            'content-type': "application/json",
            'x-authorization': "token " + token,

    response = requests.request("POST", url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

    return json.loads(response.text)
caiyunResult = []
for i in range(4604//50+1):
    temp = list(data_df['another_sct_term'])
    res = caiyunQuery(temp[i*50:(i+1)*50])
    caiyunResult += res['target']
assert len(caiyunResult) == 4605 
data_df['another_sct_term_cn'] = caiyunResult
icd_id icd_name icd_where another_sctid another_sct_term relation_type_id another_sct_term_cn
0 T11.3 上肢未特指神经的损伤,水平未特指 destination 212295006 Injury of intercostobrachial nerve (disorder) 116680003 肋间神经损伤(失调)
1 R04.0 鼻出血 source 95433000 Disorder of nasal septum (disorder) 116680003 鼻中隔紊乱
2 Q31.9 喉未特指的先天性畸形 destination 232461002 Congenital fissure of larynx 116680003 先天性喉裂
3 K26.9 十二指肠溃疡未特指为急性或慢性,不伴有出血或穿孔 source 196652006 Acute peptic ulcer of duodenum 116680003 急性十二指肠消化性溃疡
4 L98.9 皮肤和皮下组织未特指的疾患 destination 238561006 Chronic vesicular eczema of foot 116680003 足部慢性水疱性湿疹
5 G71.0 肌营养不良 source 240046001 Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 116680003 肢节型肌营养不良症
6 S09.9 头部未特指的损伤 source 95433000 Disorder of nasal septum (disorder) 116680003 鼻中隔紊乱
7 T94.1 损伤后遗症,未按身体部位特指者 destination 285236005 Disorder due to and following injury of upper ... 116680003 上肢损伤(障碍)所致或继发的功能障碍
8 D10.1 舌良性肿瘤 source 91975001 Benign neoplasm of body of tongue 116680003 舌体良性肿瘤
9 D38.5 其他呼吸器官动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 source 95433000 Disorder of nasal septum (disorder) 116680003 鼻中隔紊乱
10 E16.9 胰腺内分泌未特指的疾患 destination 126864006 Neoplasm of endocrine pancreas (disorder) 116680003 内分泌胰腺肿瘤(病变)
11 E14.8 NaN destination 127014009 Peripheral angiopathy due to diabetes mellitus... 116680003 糖尿病性周围血管病变
12 K27.7 部位未特指的消化性溃疡慢性,不伴有出血或穿孔 destination 128286008 Chronic peptic ulcer of duodenum 116680003 慢性十二指肠消化性溃疡
13 T13.3 下肢未特指神经的损伤,水平未特指 source 73590005 Injury of peripheral nerve (disorder) 116680003 周围神经损伤(病变)
14 H44.8 眼球的其他疾患 destination 13937002 Subretinal hemorrhage (disorder) 116680003 视网膜下出血
15 N48.1 龟头包皮炎\t destination 360380003 Candidal balanoposthitis 116680003 念珠菌性龟头皮炎
16 B37.4 其他泌尿生殖系部位的念珠菌病 destination 360380003 Candidal balanoposthitis 116680003 念珠菌性龟头皮炎
17 H40.5 继发于其他眼部疾患的青光眼 destination 15374009 Secondary glaucoma due to aphakia (disorder) 116680003 无晶状体眼继发性青光眼
18 T94.1 损伤后遗症,未按身体部位特指者 destination 21835004 Sequela of burn 116680003 烧伤后遗症
19 Q77.0 软骨成长不全 source 105986008 Osteochondrodysplasia 116680003 骨软骨发育不全
20 J34.0 鼻的脓肿、疖和痈 source 95433000 Disorder of nasal septum (disorder) 116680003 鼻中隔紊乱
21 H35.9 视网膜未特指的疾患 destination 28998008 Retinal hemorrhage (disorder) 116680003 视网膜出血(障碍)
22 H44.8 眼球的其他疾患 destination 28998008 Retinal hemorrhage (disorder) 116680003 视网膜出血(障碍)
23 S30.2 外生殖器挫伤 source 211495007 Contusion of genital organ (disorder) 116680003 生殖器挫伤(紊乱)
24 J34.0 鼻的脓肿、疖和痈 source 95433000 Disorder of nasal septum (disorder) 116680003 鼻中隔紊乱
25 Q78.2 骨硬化症 source 105986008 Osteochondrodysplasia 116680003 骨软骨发育不全
26 K27.9 部位未特指的消化性溃疡未特指为急性或慢性,不伴有出血或穿孔 destination 51868009 Ulcer of duodenum (disorder) 116680003 十二指肠溃疡
27 Q04.9 脑未特指的先天性畸形 destination 55999004 Cephalocele 116680003 脑膨出
28 L03.3 躯干蜂窝织炎 source 266579006 Mastitis 116680003 乳腺炎
29 K27.7 部位未特指的消化性溃疡慢性,不伴有出血或穿孔 destination 95530000 Chronic peptic ulcer of stomach 116680003 慢性消化性溃疡
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4575 Q74.8 四肢的其他特指先天性畸形 source 785818007 Structure of joint region 363698007 节理区结构
4576 B02.3 带状疱疹眼病 source 785832009 Structure of ophthalmic nerve or left eye 363698007 眼神经或左眼的结构
4577 B02.3 带状疱疹眼病 source 785833004 Structure of ophthalmic nerve of right eye (bo... 363698007 右眼眼神经结构(身体结构)
4578 B02.3 带状疱疹眼病 source 38907003 Chickenpox 255234002 水痘
4579 L90.5 皮肤瘢痕情况和纤维化 destination 335901000119105 Cicatricial entropion of right eyelid (disorder) 42752001 瘢痕性右眼睑内翻
4580 M77.1 外上髁炎 source 783709000 Structure of enthesis of left elbow region 363698007 左肘区的结构
4581 P07.3 其他早产婴儿 destination 343781000119104 Retinopathy of prematurity of bilateral eyes s... 42752001 双眼早产儿视网膜病变0
4582 J63.4 铁沉着病 source 785340007 Inhalation of substance 42752001 吸入物质
4583 J62.8 其他含硅[矽]粉尘引起的肺尘埃沉着病 source 785340007 Inhalation of substance 42752001 吸入物质
4584 H18.4 角膜变性 source 785888000 Structure of peripheral cornea of right eye (b... 363698007 右眼外周角膜结构(体结构)
4585 H18.4 角膜变性 source 785887005 Structure of peripheral cornea of left eye (bo... 363698007 左眼外周角膜结构(体结构)
4586 T14.1 身体未特指部位的开放性伤口 destination 286613000 Scar following wound (disorder) 255234002 伤后瘢痕(紊乱)
4587 Y88.0 在治疗中使用药物、药剂和生物制品引起有害效应的后遗症\t source 275385007 Poisoning caused by biological substance 42752001 生物性物质中毒
4588 Y88.0 在治疗中使用药物、药剂和生物制品引起有害效应的后遗症\t source 275385007 Poisoning caused by biological substance 255234002 生物性物质中毒
4589 R29.8 累及神经和肌肉骨骼系统其他和未特指的症状和体征 source 786850008 Structure of toe joint region (body structure) 363698007 趾关节区结构(身体结构)
4590 T18.1 食管内异物 destination 217808004 Respiratory obstruction due to foreign body in... 42752001 食管异物致呼吸阻塞
4591 T18.1 食管内异物 destination 217809007 Respiratory compression due to foreign body in... 42752001 食管异物引起的呼吸道压迫
4592 I67.0 大脑动脉夹层形成,未破裂 destination 783707003 Cerebral aneurysm due to dissection of cerebra... 42752001 因脑动脉剥离引起的脑内的动脉瘤
4593 L29.2 外阴瘙痒(症) source 45292006 External female genital structure 363698007 外部女性生殖器结构
4594 T86.8 其他移植器官和组织的失败和排斥 source 785829006 Structure of transplanted cornea of right eye 363698007 右眼移植角膜的结构
4595 R78.3 血中发现致幻剂 source 785673007 Measurement of level of substance in blood (pr... 363714003 血液中物质含量的测定(程序)
4596 R26.8 其他和未特指的异常的步态和移动 source 787040000 Structure of finger joint region 363698007 指关节区结构
4597 R29.8 累及神经和肌肉骨骼系统其他和未特指的症状和体征 source 787040000 Structure of finger joint region 363698007 指关节区结构
4598 R73.0 葡萄糖耐量试验异常 source 782964007 Genetic disease 47429007 遗传疾病
4599 H33.0 视网膜脱离伴视网膜断裂 source 785884003 Retinal tear of right eye (disorder) 42752001 右眼视网膜裂孔(病变)
4600 H26.4 后发性白内障 source 766834007 After-cataract 116680003 后发性白内障
4601 K57.2 大肠憩室病伴有穿孔和脓肿 source 14742008 Structure of large intestine (body structure) 363698007 大肠结构(身体结构)
4602 H26.4 后发性白内障 source 766834007 After-cataract 116680003 后发性白内障
4603 H26.4 后发性白内障 source 766834007 After-cataract 116680003 后发性白内障
4604 K57.1 小肠憩室病不伴有穿孔或脓肿 source 30315005 Structure of small intestine (body structure) 363698007 小肠结构(体结构)

4605 rows × 7 columns

查询 relation type

with open('snomed_relationship_type.txt') as fget:
    lines = [line.strip() for line in fget.readlines()]
relationship_type = ['(\d*)\ \|(.*)\|', string=line).groups() for line in lines]
relationship_type = {pair[0]: pair[1] for pair in relationship_type}
def look_type(l, d=relationship_type):
    return [d[str(item)] for item in l]
data_df['relationship_type'] = look_type(data_df['relation_type_id'])
output = data_df[['icd_id','icd_name','another_sctid','another_sct_term_cn','another_sct_term','relationship_type','icd_where',]]
Yijia-Zhou commented 4 years ago

大多数是分类/部位关系,'due to' 'after' 潜在可用

Yijia-Zhou commented 4 years ago

具体说明可查看 Snomed_relationship_analysis 目录下的

Snomed CT 中疾病相关关系分析与整理



见 snomed_relationship.ipynb



开始做这个分析的时候是打算寻找疾病和症状之间的关系,试图找到各疾病的相关症状实现疾病的自动化询问、记录,但发现 Snomed 的关系库中没有【 ICD 收录的疾病 <-> 我们的数据库中已有症状 】的关系。后来想到可以找找【 ICD 收录的疾病 <-> ICD 收录的疾病 】的关系,发现确实有不少,其中 'Associated with', 'After', 'Due to', 'Associated finding' 等都具有潜在的应用价值(比如开始的时候可以都算作并发症)。以下是一些关系例子:

source_icd_id source_icd_name destination_icd_id destination_icd_name relationship_type relationship_id
G12.2 运动神经元病 D48.9 未特指的动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Due to 2571445020
G25.3 肌阵挛 G93.1 缺氧性脑损害,不可归类在他处者 Due to 2571452022
E53.9 未特指的维生素B缺乏病 E56.9 未特指的维生素缺乏病 Due to 2571513029
H53.0 失用性弱视 H52.3 屈光参差和影像不等 Due to 2572883025
Q85.1 结节性硬化症 Q85.9 未特指的斑痣性错构瘤病 Due to 2573623021
D51.1 选择性维生素B12吸收不良伴有蛋白尿引起的维生素B12缺乏性贫血 E53.8 其他特指的B族维生素缺乏病 Due to 2573993029
E85.4 限定于器官的淀粉样变 E85.9 未特指的淀粉样变 Due to 2574729020
E01.1 碘缺乏相关性多结节性(地方性)甲状腺肿 E63.9 未特指的营养缺乏 Due to 2575179022
I87.8 静脉其他特指的疾患 I87.2 静脉功能不全(慢性)(周围性) Due to 2575378024
D53.8 其他特指的营养性贫血 E61.0 铜缺乏 Due to 2576479020
D55.9 未特指的酶代谢紊乱性贫血 E88.9 未特指的代谢紊乱 Due to 2576480023
D55.8 其他酶代谢紊乱性贫血 E88.9 未特指的代谢紊乱 Due to 2576481022
D55.1 其他谷胱甘肽代谢紊乱性贫血 E88.0 血浆蛋白代谢紊乱,不可归类在他处者 Due to 2576482026
E01.2 未特指的碘缺乏相关性(地方性)甲状腺肿 E63.9 未特指的营养缺乏 Due to 2580207023
I83.1 下肢静脉曲张伴有炎症 I87.8 静脉其他特指的疾患 Due to 2580326028
B90.9 呼吸道结核和未特指结核的后遗症 A16.9 未特指的呼吸道结核,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实 After 2568360028
B90.0 中枢神经系统结核的后遗症 A16.9 未特指的呼吸道结核,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实 After 2568361029
B90.1 泌尿生殖系结核的后遗症 A16.9 未特指的呼吸道结核,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实 After 2568362020
B90.2 骨和关节结核的后遗症 A16.9 未特指的呼吸道结核,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实 After 2568363026
B94.2 病毒性肝炎的后遗症 B19.9 未特指的病毒性肝炎,不伴有肝昏迷 After 2568365022
E64.9 未特指的营养缺乏后遗症 E63.9 未特指的营养缺乏 After 2568495029
E64.1 维生素A缺乏后遗症 E50.9 未特指的维生素A缺乏病 After 2568497021
I01.2 急性风湿性心肌炎 A49.1 未特指部位的链球菌感染 After 2568652020
I09.0 风湿性心肌炎 A49.1 未特指部位的链球菌感染 After 2568653026
I69.8 其他和未特指的脑血管病后遗症 I67.9 未特指的脑血管病 After 2568661020
I69.0 蛛网膜下出血后遗症 I60.9 未特指的蛛网膜下出血 After 2568662029
T90.0 头部浅表损伤后遗症 S00.9 头部部位未特指的浅表损伤 After 2569509022
T92.0 上肢开放性伤口后遗症 T11.1 上肢开放性伤口,水平未特指 After 2569512020
T92.5 上肢肌肉和肌腱损伤后遗症 T11.9 上肢未特指的损伤,水平未特指 After 2569515022
T92.6 上肢挤压伤和创伤性切断后遗症 T11.9 上肢未特指的损伤,水平未特指 After 2569516023
T93.9 下肢未特指损伤的后遗症 T13.9 下肢未特指的损伤,水平未特指 After 2569517025
T93.0 下肢开放性伤口后遗症 T13.1 下肢开放性伤口,水平未特指 After 2569518024
T93.5 下肢肌肉和肌腱损伤后遗症 T13.9 下肢未特指的损伤,水平未特指 After 2569520022
T93.6 下肢挤压伤和创伤性切断后遗症 T13.9 下肢未特指的损伤,水平未特指 After 2569521021
K08.8 其他特指的牙及支持结构疾患 K00.9 未特指的牙发育疾患 After 2570753021
O35.0 为胎儿(可疑)中枢神经系统畸形给予的孕产妇医疗\t Q03.9 未特指的先天性脑积水 Associated finding 3419499021
O35.0 为胎儿(可疑)中枢神经系统畸形给予的孕产妇医疗\t Q05.9 未特指的脊柱裂 Associated finding 3437473025
Z80.4 生殖器官恶性肿瘤家族史 D40.9 男性生殖器官未特指的动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Associated finding 4739112028
Z85.4 生殖器官恶性肿瘤个人史 C63.9 未特指的男性生殖器官恶性肿瘤 Associated finding 4742430027
Z92.4 大手术个人史,不可归类在他处者 Q24.9 未特指的先天性心脏畸形 Associated finding 4776861021
Z87.5 妊娠、分娩和产褥期并发症个人史 P08.0 特大婴儿 Associated finding 6490664023
Z86.6 神经系统和感觉器官疾病个人史 H50.9 未特指的斜视 Associated finding 11225968026
Z86.2 血液和造血器官疾病和某些涉及免疫机制的疾患个人史 D69.6 未特指的血小板减少 Associated finding 11226121026
Z86.0 其他肿瘤个人史 D36.1 周围神经和自主神经系统良性肿瘤 Associated finding 11418430021
Z86.6 神经系统和感觉器官疾病个人史 H47.0 视神经疾患,不可归类在他处者 Associated finding 11433832029
Z84.8 其他特指情况家族史 O75.2 产程期间发热,不可归类在他处者\t Associated finding 11438634029
Z86.6 神经系统和感觉器官疾病个人史 H43.8 玻璃体的其他疾患 Associated finding 11438719027
Z86.7 循环系统疾病个人史 I67.1 脑动脉瘤,未破裂 Associated finding 11533854020
Z86.7 循环系统疾病个人史 I62.9 未特指的颅内出血(非创伤性) Associated finding 11533865026
Z86.7 循环系统疾病个人史 I74.9 未特指动脉的栓塞和血栓形成 Associated finding 11533877020
Z82.4 缺血性心脏病和其他循环系统疾病家族史 I63.9 未特指的脑梗死 Associated finding 11533896024
Z87.1 消化系统疾病个人史 K22.2 食管梗阻 Associated finding 11533904029

另外如果我们以后采用了 ICD9-CM3 衍生的治疗编码方案,则 'Associated procedure' 也是一个可以挖掘的方向。

Yijia-Zhou commented 4 years ago

申请开发 deadline: 2020-05-20 size:2 @bqx619