sibiraj-s / ngx-editor

🖋️ Rich Text Editor for angular using ProseMirror
MIT License
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[Feature request]: Menu Keyboard Accessibility #531

Closed davideblakeman closed 6 days ago

davideblakeman commented 1 month ago


I request keyboard accessibility for the menu so I can skip having to create my own custom menu bar and avoid the technical debt of having to replace a custom menu bar if this is implemented in future. Just adding tabindex="0" to all the ngx-toggle-command and other buttons would suffice. But to be WCAG compliant also adding aria-label and role="button" descriptions for screen readers would also be desirable.

Willing to submit a PR?

Yes if my assistance is requested and when I find time.

sibiraj-s commented 6 days ago

Fixed in v17.1.0, the items are now button and added roles, aria-label, etc wherever applicable.