sibiraj-s / ngx-editor

🖋️ Rich Text Editor for angular using ProseMirror
MIT License
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[Bug]: default icon configuration invalid #538

Open swurzinger opened 3 weeks ago

swurzinger commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?

The default icon configuration, which gets active when you call NgxEditorModule.forRoot() (without arguments) is invalid and causes no icons to show up in the editor.

The issue is that it uses the <path>...< /> definitions in icons directly instead of using Icon.get(), which wraps the SVG path accordingly in an <svg>... < /> element.



Angular Version


What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


Willing to submit a PR?


sibiraj-s commented 6 days ago

Sorry for the delay in response. Can you elaborate the issue a bit more? Also, feel free to raise a PR for review.