sibson / redbeat

RedBeat is a Celery Beat Scheduler that stores the scheduled tasks and runtime metadata in Redis.
Apache License 2.0
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how can I add multiple redis url and redbeat_broker_url rabbitmq #156

Open oguzhannkayaa opened 4 years ago

oguzhannkayaa commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am trying to add multiple redis (for high availability) url to redbeat_redis_url and I also wants to add broker_url for rabbitmq.

I am trying to use rabbitmq as a message broker. and redis as a beat data store. because of clustering.

app.conf.update( broker_url = 'amqp://localhost:5672/', redbeat_redis_url = 'redis://master1:6379/1', redbeat_redis_options = { 'sentinels': [('slave2:6379'), ('slave3.18:6379')], 'socket_timeout': 0.1, 'retry_period': 0.1

} ) After I close master, beat stop. Does go to red_beat_redis_options

and also I am getting this error when I run celery beat -S redbeat.RedBeatScheduler.

beat raised exception : ConnectionError('Error -2 connecting to redis-sentinel:26379. Name or service not known.',)

How can I create a service_name and password in redis-sentinel I am not trying to use redis as a message broker. I am using celery-redbeat to store celerybeat data in redis-sentinel cluster from this page.


from this configuration

redbeat_redis_url = 'redis-sentinel://redis-sentinel:26379/0' redbeat_redis_options = { 'sentinels': [('', 26379), ('', 26379), ('', 26379)], 'socket_timeout': 0.1, }

I add instead of redis-sentinel:/26379 but when master node down in redis-sentinel cluster beat is down too.

redbeat_redis_url = 'redis-sentinel://' redbeat_redis_options = { 'sentinels': [('', 26379), ('', 26379)], 'socket_timeout': 0.1, }

rive-n commented 1 year ago

wow no upd over here. What a nice project...

man4red commented 4 months ago

I know this is old but hope it would help

the key is to set redbeat_redis_url to sentinel dsn like for example, your sentinel dsn might look like this: sentinel://:redis@redis-sentinel:26379/0;sentinel://:redis@redis-sentinel2:26379/0;sentinel://:redis@redis-sentinel3:26379/0

but redbeat/ checks for

        elif conf.redis_url.startswith('redis-sentinel') and 'sentinels' in redis_options:

so you have to change your sentinel dsn (for redbeat only) to reidis-sentinel

please note that it is perfectly valid of celeryconfig to use sentinel as a schema within the dsn but not for redbeat tho

anyways, if your sentinel requires auth - provide password to sentinel_kwargs the other options are for redis connection only

my looks like that

# at this point we would just dump it from celery_settings (pydantic model)

# now we can override some
if redis_settings.redis_mode == "sentinel":
    broker_url = redis_settings.sentinel_dsn
    result_backend_transport_options = REDIS_PARAMS
    broker_transport_options = REDIS_PARAMS
    redbeat_redis_url = redis_settings.sentinel_dsn.replace("sentinel://", "redis-sentinel://")
    redbeat_redis_options = {
        "sentinels": redis_settings.sentinels,
        "sentinel_kwargs": {},
        "password": redis_settings.password,
        "db": redis_settings.db,
        "service_name": redis_settings.master_name,
        "retry_on_timeout": True,
        "socket_timeout": 1,
        "socket_connect_timeout": 1,
        "socket_keepalive": True,
        "socket_keepalive_options": {socket.TCP_KEEPCNT: 5, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE: 60, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL: 10},
        "retry_period": 10,

debug output would look like that

Configuration ->
    . broker -> sentinel://:**@redis-sentinel:26379/0
    . loader -> celery.loaders.default.Loader
    . scheduler -> redbeat.schedulers.RedBeatScheduler
       . redis -> redis-sentinel://:**@redis-sentinel:26379/0;redis-sentinel://:redis@redis-sentinel2:26379/0;redis-sentinel://:redis@redis-sentinel3:26379/0
       . lock -> `redbeat::lock` 25.00 minutes (1500s)
    . logfile -> [stderr]@%WARNING
    . maxinterval -> 5.00 minutes (300s)