sibson / redbeat

RedBeat is a Celery Beat Scheduler that stores the scheduled tasks and runtime metadata in Redis.
Apache License 2.0
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Updated to 2.1.1 from 2.0.0 now it fails to run. #251

Open hvdklauw opened 1 year ago

hvdklauw commented 1 year ago

On this line: with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'total_seconds'

Why would the timezone be set to a number of seconds anyway?

rafaelquintanilha commented 1 year ago

Seeing the same error. For now, pinning the version to 2.0.0.

sibson commented 1 year ago

It looks like the logic was if no known timezone, then encode the timezone as a UTC offset. I'm not sure what the correct equivalent behaviour should be. What are the timezone settings you are using?

hvdklauw commented 1 year ago

According to sentry obj is: datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 20, 14, 23, 1, 599274, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>)

hvdklauw commented 1 year ago
import datetime
import pytz

eu_ams = pytz.timezone('Europe/Amsterdam')
obj = eu_ams.localize(datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 20, 14, 23, 1, 599274))

Gives me a datetime object as given there. Now obj.tzinfo.utcoffset expects a datetime as parameter, passing in None there returns None.

The correct way would be:


which gives 7200.0 as is expected.

But the better way would be to just use the datetime object directly:

hbradlow commented 12 months ago

We had the same issue and resolved it by pinning to 2.0.0. Is there a solution planned to fix 2.1.1?

hvdklauw commented 5 months ago

So, am I to understand this is fixed in 2.2.0?