sickcodes / Docker-OSX

Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Kvm-ok on wsl returning INFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions KVM acceleration can NOT be used #679

Open Kimobonbon opened 11 months ago

Kimobonbon commented 11 months ago

I am trying to run docker-osx on windows but when I install wsl2, change the .wslconf file, install kvm and run kmv-ok I get INFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions KVM acceleration can NOT be used

When I check if virtualization is enabled in my task manager it shows me that it is.

When I run this:

; echo "${DISPLAY}" \ ; echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/module/kvm/parameters/ignore_msrs \ ; grep NAME /etc/os-release \ ; df -h . \ ; qemu-system-x86_64 --version \ ; libvirtd --version \ ; free -mh \ ; nproc \ ; egrep -c '(svm|vmx)' /proc/cpuinfo \ ; ls -lha /dev/kvm \ ; ls -lha /tmp/.X11-unix/ \ ; ps aux | grep dockerd \ ; docker ps | grep osx \ ; grep "docker|kvm|virt" /etc/group

I get:

Linux DESKTOP-R7TO0DF #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 02:56:13 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux :0 1 PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION_CODENAME=jammy UBUNTU_CODENAME=jammy Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sdc 1007G 1.7G 954G 1% / QEMU emulator version 6.2.0 (Debian 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.11) Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers libvirtd (libvirt) 8.0.0 total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 7.7Gi 506Mi 6.1Gi 3.0Mi 1.2Gi 7.0Gi Swap: 2.0Gi 0B 2.0Gi 12 0 crw-rw-r-- 1 root kvm 10, 232 Jul 11 03:01 /dev/kvm total 4.0K drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 60 Jul 11 02:55 . drwxrwxrwt 6 root root 4.0K Jul 11 03:05 .. srwxrwxrwx 1 0 Jul 11 02:55 X0

3457 0.0 0.0 4024 2172 pts/0 S+ 03:09 0:00 grep --color=auto dockerd kvm:x:109: Thanks in advance!
chepaika commented 10 months ago

What version of your Windows? Because in nestedVirtualization - Only available for Windows 11.

eulerv commented 1 week ago

Mine too, I have a Xeon e5 processor.