sickcodes / Docker-OSX

Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unable to boot system after installation (sonoma) #768

Open kovalexal opened 1 month ago

kovalexal commented 1 month ago

Hi, @sickcodes!

Thanks for such a great project!

I have successfully installed and run macOS BigSur on my system (Arch Linux), but after trying to install the latest Sonoma image, I can't boot into it.

I used the following command to run the installer:

docker run -it \
    --device /dev/kvm \
    -e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -p 50922:10022 \

After the installation, the system reboots several times and I am presented with the boot menu where I see the created disk with the system. When I select it, I get the following error and the system reboots. Do you have any idea why this happens and how I can fix it?


Thanks in advance!

kovalexal commented 1 month ago

However, when I tried to run the installer as described in this PR #758

docker run -it \
    --device /dev/kvm \
    -p 50922:10022 \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" \
    -e GENERATE_UNIQUE=true \
    -e SMP=16 \
    -e CORES=16 \
    -e RAM=16 \
    -e CPU='Haswell-noTSX' \
    -e CPUID_FLAGS='kvm=on,vendor=GenuineIntel,+invtsc,vmware-cpuid-freq=on' \
    -e MASTER_PLIST_URL='' \

The installer finished successfully and I was able to boot it without an issue.