sickcodes / Docker-eyeOS

Run iPhone (xnu-arm64) in a Docker container! Supports KVM + iOS kernel debugging (GDB)! Run xnu-qemu-arm64 in Docker! Works on ANY device.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Only 2 parts of the OSX script are stopping full container build of the disks #3

Open sickcodes opened 3 years ago

sickcodes commented 3 years ago

Only 2 things are stopping full build inside the container

  1. Making the tcp tunnel clang12 or something else eg arm64-apple-ios12.0.0-clang main.c -o test_module -arch arm64 -mabi=aapcs -Xlinker -kext -nostdlib -Xlinker -fatal_warnings -I../include/ -D_SECURE__STRING_H_ -O3


  1. Resizing hfs - could just create a disk ad hoc with mkfs.hfsplus

2.5 - mounting loop devices inside a container (haven't learnt how yet)

All that has to change is all of the hdiutil commands to sudo losetup