sid88in / serverless-appsync-plugin

serverless plugin for appsync
MIT License
950 stars 186 forks source link

Initial feature draft #21

Closed nikgraf closed 4 years ago

nikgraf commented 6 years ago

On ‘serverless deploy’ it creates or updates the appsync schema. I suggest by default it uses the file ‘schema.graphql’ located in the root of the project.

Optionally the location of the schema file can be changed with a parameter nested in the custom section in serverless.yml. A possible name could be ‘graphqlSchema’

The API calls should happen after the new resources and functions are deployed so they can be referenced and it doesn’t happen that a schema goes live that doesn’t have the necessary resources up & running.

On ‘serverless remove’ the appsync schema is removed as well. Here it happens before the cloudformation stack is removed.

Note: I don’t know to much about the mappings yet. Will read up on them and we can extend/update/correct this initial draft.

sid88in commented 6 years ago

sounds good. Yes for mapping:

Each field in the schema can have resolver attached to it. In appsync resolver = request mapping template + response mapping template. Mapping templates in appsync are written in VTL, similar to use of mapping templates in other places in aws like api gateway. A resolver must have both request and response template.

Mapping templates must be attached once schema is created. So the flow is:

  1. Create GraphQL API
  2. Create Data Sources in parallel.
  3. Create Schema
  4. Attach Resolvers in parallel
nikgraf commented 6 years ago

serverless.yml proposal

   - serverless-appsync-plugin

     name:  # defaults to api
     authenticationType: API_KEY | AWS_IAM | AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS # required
     region: # defaults to provider region
     schema: # defaults schema.graphql
     serviceRole: # required
             tableName: 'Users' # required
jpstrikesback commented 6 years ago

So to confirm, this plugin handles custom AppSync config for:

and leaves Resource creation (DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, Lambda) to the serverless.yml config, does that sound right?

sid88in commented 6 years ago

correct. appsync currently allows resource creation only via UI and not via SDK's

ajagnanan commented 6 years ago

It looks like the plugin always creates an endpoint currently. Are there plans to include updating an existing one?

sid88in commented 6 years ago

@ajagnanan that's correct. We do plan to add it in future but if you want, we can work together to include this feature. Is it something you would be interested in contributing?

ajagnanan commented 6 years ago

oh man, if you could set it up the way you think it should work I'll be able to assist

sid88in commented 6 years ago

lets think about it, can you please send me an email - and I can start a thread. thanks