sidddy / OctoScreen

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MKS TFT 2.8 #2

Open ETE-Design opened 5 years ago

ETE-Design commented 5 years ago


Really great work you have done there... Would like to try it, have an Artillery Sidewinder X1 with the MKS TFT 28 integrated - have also added the MKS WiFi... I'm not a programming geek but can help test it on my printer if you can make the changes for it?

sidddy commented 5 years ago

I don't have an MKS TFT 28 available and don't have any detailed technical information about it. Its hardware could be totally different from my TFT32, so I'm not sure if it would be efficiently possible to do "remote development" for your device.

Anyway, a good starting point for me would be to have high-resolution pictures of your MKS TFT28 PCB, so I can identify which chips it's using for touch- and display-control. If both are similar to what the TFT32 uses, the TFT28 could potentially run with only minor changes.

ETE-Design commented 5 years ago

67930177_723147671466864_2224855778735423488_n 67934472_1374446762709676_1777489232110026752_n

Do you need any other thing I'll be happy to help :-) Can make test's on my own screen, have an ST-Link v2 on its way :-)

ETE-Design commented 4 years ago

Are you still working on this project in general?

sidddy commented 4 years ago

Sorry for not getting back to you earlier... I somehow forgot to follow up on this issue ;-)

Regarding the MKS 2.8 device: I doubt that I'd be able to implement a version for that device type without actually owning one... and I currently don't plan to purchase one. So I would need some volunteer to adopt the coding for the MKS 2.8 and create a PR.

Do I still work on this project in general? Well, kind of... I'm using it productively on a daily basis and would implement missing features based on my own requirements... but there were none in the past months. With the last changes to the touch calibration and the file list scrolling I currently don't miss any feature and stability and usability are also good. And since I'm the only user so far (at least to my knowledge), there has been no development recently.

ETE-Design commented 4 years ago

That's okey... I also have got the screen as you use, and just got the ST-Link :-) Also have a new Shield for 3D Printers going on, running direct on the RPI, with OctoPrint, so would be great to have a "Wireless Touch Screen" Can the RPI run All the Stuff needed to make it work with the screen, so I don't need a PC for it? Also, could you make a feature to make it easy so add it to the WiFi Network? Do the Screen connect direct to the RPI WiFi, or do they just need to be on the same network?

ETE-Design commented 4 years ago

Would love to try it out, so would be nice if you could answer my questions thanks :-)

sidddy commented 4 years ago

You'll need a PC to flash the tft screen (via STM32 System Workbench) and the wifi dongle (via arduino). Once the firmeware is properly flashed and running, the RPI can deliver the required data to the screen on its own, without the help of a PC. You might need to setup an MQTT server (e.g. mosquitto) on the raspberry pi if you don't have one running in your network. RPI and wifi dongle need to be on the same LAN, you don't have to run an WIFI AP on the rpi. Adding the wifi dongle to your wifi network is a one-time effort to change the config file, there's currently no support for wifimanager or similar (and I never really needed it in one of my projects... what's the actual usecase, except for making the firmware "shippable", because the wifi is not hardcoded in it?)

ETE-Design commented 4 years ago

Was just thinking about making it as user friendly as possible :-) Just so you don't need to Flash any of the boards if you change - Buy a new router - Name / Password on your WiFi

ETE-Design commented 4 years ago

Is there an easy way edit it, to add / remove functions, change layout and other things?

ETE-Design commented 4 years ago

Now that you already know how to "hack" the screen... Do you then know if it in some way is possible to "open" it up, cause MKS have is some way limited it, so right now it block for a lot of G-Codes :-(