Closed arLevi closed 1 year ago
Actually, the ping I was trying to make was in my personal code/settings of SQLAlchemy
I added to the from tornado_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
my engine_options:
settings = dict(
db=SQLAlchemy(get_db_url(), engine_options={ "pre_pool_ping": True} )
Now restarting the service in the background - actually works ok.
Hey, yeah what you wrote in the second comment is also what I would've suggested.
Regarding the first issue, the MySQL server could be unreachable for quite a few reasons. But I'm not sure that that falls under the scope of this project. The ability to reconnect is something SQLAlchemy already provides through pre_pool_ping
I have an issue which i'm not sure how to solve. using
was very easy my code looks like this pretty much:1st issue:
Everything works fine, i go to work he next day refresh the page, see error:
MySql server gone away
i refresh the page w/o doing anything - work ok for the rest of day, coming the next day - same thing.i digged around it seems that after 8 hours, mysql close the connection on its behalf, tornado has no idea about it - so i guess this is why first query failed, something happens in the backend on
that refesh something inside it ( or torando itself makes a restart, don't know - but something solve it when the error is raised in tornado's logs.2nd issue:
While trying to debug the issue on first issue - found something else that i'm trying to solve, which is basically the same thing I just manually restart
while tornado is up and running - and then trying to refresh the page, i get a different error:But same thing - after a refresh of the page - it works out just fine. And that is reproducable - every time !
What i've tried:
- doesn't work ( tried like:create_engine(..., poolclass=NullPool)
pre_pool_ping = True
- doesn't work ( tried it like:create_engine(..., pre_pool_ping=True)
pool_recycle = 180
- doesn't work ( tried it like:create_engine(..., pool_recycle=180)
So both issues - have the same thing - mysql in the background is lost/gone - and
has no idea about it - so it continues with whatever it kept in cache/mem... until the next error is occured.Any help solving the issue ?