siddhartha-gadgil / Superficial

Curves and other structures on surfaces (topology)
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Deciding whether a curve comes from above or below #62

Closed siddhartha-gadgil closed 4 years ago

siddhartha-gadgil commented 4 years ago

The problems

The function fromAbove

  1. If c0 == d0 then we replace indices by i - 1 and j - 1 (cyclically) and compute. The hypothesis guarantees that this is not an infinite loop.
  2. if d0 = inverse(c1), then we compute fromAbove(C, D, i, j) = !fromAbove(C, inverse(D), i, -j). This immediately gives the above case, so we do simplify.As the curves are reduced, we can only get this case if we have a single intersection point, and once we flip this way we will not have to flip again for the same intersection.
  3. Finally, if neither of the above happen then rotate counterclockwise from inverse(c1) to c0 and return true if and only if we encounter d0 along the way.
siddhartha-gadgil commented 4 years ago

The above is wrong and unnecesarily complicated. In the case (2) we just take as non-crossing.

siddhartha-gadgil commented 4 years ago

Since this is wrong, it is closed. Please see for corrected sketch.