siddhi-io / siddhi-operator

Operator allows you to run stream processing logic directly on a Kubernetes cluster
Apache License 2.0
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Replace Running status with Ready #113

Closed BuddhiWathsala closed 5 years ago

BuddhiWathsala commented 5 years ago


To create consistent and user-friendly status change.




User stories

The status change will happen as follow.

  1. After the first kubectl apply comes to the Pending state.
    $ kubectl get sp
    NAME                STATUS    READY     AGE
    power-consume-app   Pending             7s
  2. After the deployment creation, the status move to Not Ready status because the pods are not ready to get the requests.
$ kubectl get sp
NAME                STATUS      READY     AGE
power-consume-app   Not Ready   0/2       98s
  1. After all the pods up and ready(according to health check) then it becomes Ready. Note that, here to become Ready all the stateful/stateless apps should be available and having one replica should be enough for stateless apps.
$ kubectl get sp
NAME                STATUS    READY     AGE
power-consume-app   Ready     2/2       5m58s

Related PRs

111, #110

Test environment

minikube version: v1.4.0 commit: 7969c25a98a018b94ea87d949350f3271e9d64b6