siddhi-io / siddhi-store-mongodb

Extension that can be used to perform DB operations with Mongo DB
Apache License 2.0
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How to parse a MongoDB query using Siddhi #46

Open BuddhiWathsala opened 5 years ago

BuddhiWathsala commented 5 years ago

Description: As far as I understand using the test cases provided here we can do all CRUD operations to the MongoDB using this Siddhi MongoDB extension. My question is how do I parse a complex query(like below) into a MongoDB table and get the output to Siddhi level for further process.

db.employees.aggregate( [
      $graphLookup: {
         from: "employees",
         startWith: "$reportsTo",
         connectFromField: "reportsTo",
         connectToField: "name",
         as: "reportingHierarchy"
] )


niveathika commented 5 years ago

Not all operations are supported, Out of siddhi operations only AND, OR, Compare operators and null check is supported.