siddhi-io / siddhi

Stream Processing and Complex Event Processing Engine
Apache License 2.0
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Siddhi Query works with Array fields #1554

Closed pranjal0811 closed 5 years ago

pranjal0811 commented 5 years ago

Does siddhi stream support the nested structure?

Let's consider I have the stream like -

eg :

"name" : "abc",
"id" : "xyz",
"account" : [

I have two questions-

  1. How can we define the stream?
  2. How the queries would work in this scenario.

from inputStream(id == 'qwerty' and == 'sbi') select "AAA" as signal insert into outputStream

Any suggestions?

pcnfernando commented 5 years ago

There are two approaches to achieve your requirement.

  1. You can manually map the incoming complex json object to a attributes using Siddhi-map-json's custom mapping support and use the mapped attributes in the queries.
  2. You can get the complete complex event as a single string attribute and thereafter parse it to a JSON Object using json:toObject() and use the functionalities in to extract the intended elements.
pcnfernando commented 5 years ago

Closing since answered. Please re-open the issue if you have any concerns.