176k just for deps (this is enormous for a single timer directive)
Moment alone is only 34K (moment.min.js). (Nearly the size of jquery)
Would it be difficult to have this directive check for those dependencies first and if they don't exist move on? I18n support is great in many use cases don't require it and 176k user for most that don't need it so could it be optional?
Version 1.2.0 didn't require Moment+locales or humanize-duration.
162K moment-with-locales.min.js 14K humanize-duration.js
176k just for deps (this is enormous for a single timer directive)
Moment alone is only 34K (moment.min.js). (Nearly the size of jquery)
Would it be difficult to have this directive check for those dependencies first and if they don't exist move on? I18n support is great in many use cases don't require it and 176k user for most that don't need it so could it be optional?