sideeffects / HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2

Houdini Engine Plugin for Unreal Engine 4 - Version 2
295 stars 75 forks source link

failed to load because module 'HoudiniEngine' could not be found #130

Closed habernir closed 3 years ago

habernir commented 3 years ago

i just do the next steps:


Attempting to set up UE4 pretty printers for gdb (existing, if any, will be overwritten)... updated found necessary entries in ~/.gdbinit file, not changing it.

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files...

Fixing inconsistent case in filenames. Setting up Mono Generating data for project indexing...
Houdini Engine : Found Houdini in /opt/hfs18.5.532 Generating data for project indexing... 100% Generating data for project indexing... 100% Writing project files... 100% Generating data for project indexing... 100% Generating data for project indexing... 100% Generating data for project indexing... 100% Generating data for project indexing... 100% Writing project files... 100%


and after that its write me:

[2021.04.20-17.25.04:703][ 0]LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'HoudiniEngine' - 0 instances of that module name found. [2021.04.20-17.25.04:703][ 0]LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'HoudiniEngineRuntime' - 0 instances of that module name found. [2021.04.20-17.25.11:599][ 0]Message dialog closed, result: Ok, title: Message, text: Plugin 'HoudiniEngine' failed to load because module 'HoudiniEngine' could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

anyone can help me?