sideeffects / HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2

Houdini Engine Plugin for Unreal Engine 4 - Version 2
295 stars 75 forks source link

Alpha 1 Feedback Set 1 #5

Open adracott opened 4 years ago

adracott commented 4 years ago

Hey Hope I am doing this in the right place will have more to post soon but just finished up first session playing with things.

Feedback: -Generally way faster. Love the new UI and was sending terrain back and forth pretty quick! -Unreal now supports layered terrains, where you can sculpt on independent layers for non destructive workflow. It seems like that layer data is flattened completely when exporting to Houdini. It would be great if that layer data could be kept as separate heightfield layers to manipulate independently in Unreal. -As a follow up to the top point, I think one of the dream scenarios, would be that a HDA could instead of doing the whole replace or lock terrain system that is still in use in V2, it would directly link to just a few layers. That way I could sculpt in unreal on some layers, and let Houdini process others based on data in my scene. Working non destructively with terrain is still very hard if you don't want duplicate landscapes -When testing with instanced data I didn't see any option to bake them to foliage? Did that get removed? Also I know a big feature that was at least mentioned in a thread somewhere was linking foliage data to a HDA after it was baked so if you regenerated that HDA it would remove and update the associated foliage elements (making it non destructive). This is how UE4's procedural forest system works and is a huge benefit

Crashes: Only one crash so far. It was a hard lockup (not a crash with a log). It was with ATTACHED_HDA_01.

(Input 1 is a landscape, input 2 is geo projected on landscape to instance stuff, I was trying to project a closed curve)

I was just playing with curve types after having placed a few points in a closed curve in a level and when I changed from linear curve to one of the other types I got the hard lock up. I've atttached the HDA.

More feedback and stuff coming soon and please let me know if I need to put this elsewhere


dpernuit commented 4 years ago

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the feedback, you're in the perfect place to share it with us! We decided to ask for feedback/bugs to be posted here to keep everything in one place, and so that everyone can see it, rather than having a mix of github, bugdb, forum and emails...

I did notice that the HDA produces a lot of instances, so maybe that's what caused the issue: Tests with some simple data quickly create ~200k instances, the plugin created and displayed them fine, but I did manage to get UE4 to lock up after I selected the Instanced Static Mesh Component. This is actually UE4 struggling to display all those instances in the details panel. Everything's fine if you

Thanks again for the feedback.

bitsalive-ron commented 4 years ago

Hey! Finally got to play around with the new plugin and i love it so far! There's one thing with generating landscapes.

When I import my landscape HDA the generated splatmaps seem to be a bit flat. Looks like they don't go from 0 to 1. Everything looks kinda gray-ish. The same thing happens in V1 of the plugin, so i'm not sure if there's a meaning behind it. I thought it might be a bug in V1 as well. I attached the files to this post so you can see what i mean.


base cliffs flow rockdebris spawn_grass

adracott commented 4 years ago

Hey @dpernuit

Thanks for the info! Those features you mentioned sound honestly amazing and also pretty vital to how I'd imagine an open world procedural pipeline would work best (in a non destructive way). I think the landscape updating would be the massive big deal though you could manage your heightfields offline somewhere, but the foliage linking is super key. Not having that means theoretically after you place a forest, spawned from an HDA, needing to go in, delete it by hand and generate it again, or keep clones of the HDA's live somewhere. Neither really sound ideal as having it all managed somewhere using Unreal's foliage presets.

Do either of these features seem viable before V2's release?