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Sidekiq Enterprise localization #3949

Open mperham opened 5 years ago

mperham commented 5 years ago

Sidekiq Enterprise has localization strings in GEMROOT/web/locales/en.yml. Non-English customers are welcome to translate that file into their native language so that the Web UI extensions look natural to them. Here's Sidekiq Enterprise's en.yml:

  Limits: Limits
  NoLimitsFound: No limits found
  Size: Size
  Name: Name
  Type: Type
  InUse: In Use
  Loop: Periodic Job
  Loops: Periodic Jobs
  NoLoopsFound: No periodic jobs found
  Schedule: Schedule
  Options: Options
  Held: Held
  HoldTime: Hold Time
  Waited: Waited
  WaitTime: Wait Time
  Overages: Overages
  Reclaimed: Reclaimed
  Immediate: Immediate

Example UI screenshots:

hanahiroAze commented 5 years ago

@mperham I'd like to translate, but how can I make pull request to pro/enterprise? can I add these words to ?

mperham commented 5 years ago

Add a comment here with the strings.

On Sep 21, 2018, at 02:49, はない wrote:

@mperham I'd like to translate, but how can I make pull request to pro/enterprise? can I add these words to ?

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hanahiroAze commented 5 years ago

here is my idea.

  Limits: 制限
  NoLimitsFound: 同時実行数制限が設定されていません
  Size: サイズ
  Name:  名前
  Type: 種類
  InUse: 使用中
  Loop: 定期実行
  Loops: 定期実行
  NoLoopsFound: 定期実行ジョブがありません
  Schedule: スケジュール
  Options: オプション
  Held: ロック回数
  HoldTime: ロック秒数
  Waited: ロック解放待ち回数
  WaitTime: ロック解放待ち時間
  Overages: タイムアウト超過回数
  Reclaimed: 再ロック要求回数
mperham commented 5 years ago

thank you, this will go in the next release

gustavodiel commented 5 years ago


Here are the locations for Brazilian and European Portuguese:

  Limits: Limites
  NoLimitsFound: Nenhum limite encontrado
  Size: Tamanho
  Name: Nome
  Type: Tipo
  InUse: Em uso
  Loop: Tarefa Periódica
  Loops: Tarefas Periódicas
  NoLoopsFound: Nenhuma tarefa periódica encontrada
  Schedule: Cronograma
  Options: Opções
  Held: Bloqueado
  HoldTime: Tempo Bloqueado
  Waited: A Esperar
  WaitTime: Tempo de Espera
  Overages: Invalidez por Idade
  Reclaimed: Bloqueios Recuperados
  Limits: Limites
  NoLimitsFound: Nenhum limite encontrado
  Size: Tamanho
  Name: Nome
  Type: Tipo
  InUse: Em uso
  Loop: Tarefa Periódica
  Loops: Tarefas Periódicas
  NoLoopsFound: Nenhuma tarefa periódica encontrada
  Schedule: Cronograma
  Options: Opções
  Held: Bloqueado
  HoldTime: Tempo Bloqueado
  Waited: Esperando
  WaitTime: Tempo de Espera
  Overages: Invalidez por Idade
  Reclaimed: Bloqueios Recuperados
redwarewolf commented 5 years ago

A possible spanish translation.

  Limits: Límites
  NoLimitsFound: Ningún Límite Encontrado
  Size: Tamaño
  Name: Nombre
  Type: Tipo
  InUse: En Uso
  Loop: Tarea Periodica
  Loops: Tareas Periodicas
  NoLoopsFound: Ninguna Tarea Periodica Encontrada
  Schedule: Cronograma
  Options: Opciones
  Held: Retenidos
  HoldTime: Tiempo Retenido
  Waited: Esperado
  WaitTime: Tiempo de Espera
  Overages: Exceso
  Reclaimed: Reclamado
mperham commented 5 years ago

Thank you @redwarewolf, these will be in the next Pro and Ent releases. 😎

hanahiroAze commented 5 years ago

@mperham The word Immediate looks not translated. here is my ja version screen.

2019-03-01 14 09 53

mperham commented 5 years ago

@hakanensari Thank you, I missed this word in en.yml. I've updated the description. The "Immediate" metric shows "Number of times the caller got a concurrent lock immediately, without wait"

gustavodiel commented 5 years ago

@mperham do you need a update on the Portuguese version with the Immediate?

mperham commented 5 years ago

Yep, if anyone wants to add Immediate here, I will update the locales so the next version is fixed.

gustavodiel commented 5 years ago

For both pt and pt-br it is:

immediate: Imediatos
mperham commented 5 years ago

thank you!

On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 7:58 AM Gustavo Diel wrote:

For both pt and pt-br it is:

immediate: Imediatos

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mperham commented 5 years ago

@hakanensari Can you supply a translation so I can update JA and release?

hanahiroAze commented 5 years ago


maybe you're making the wrong mention... it is ja version

immediate: 即時ロック取得回数
fchatterji commented 5 years ago

French: en: Limits: Limites NoLimitsFound: Aucune limite trouvée Size: Taille Name: Nom Type: Type InUse: En cours d'utilisation Loop: Tâche périodique Loops: Tâches périodiques NoLoopsFound: Aucune tâche périodique trouvée Schedule: Programme Options: Options Held: Bloqué HoldTime: Temps de blocage Waited: En attente WaitTime: Temps d'attente Overages: Excédents Reclaimed: Récupéré Immediate: Immédiat

mperham commented 5 years ago

Merci, @fchatterji!

loed-idzinga commented 4 years ago

I've made an attempt to translate these terms into Dutch:

  Limits: Limieten
  NoLimitsFound: Geen limieten gevonden
  Size: Grootte
  Name: Naam
  Type: Type
  InUse: In gebruik
  Loop: Periodieke taak
  Loops: Periodieke taken
  NoLoopsFound: Geen periodieke taken gevonden
  Schedule: Tijdsindeling
  Options: Opties
  Held: Vastgehouden
  HoldTime: Tijd vastgehouden
  Waited: In afwachting
  WaitTime: Wachttijd
  Overages: Overschot
  Reclaimed: Teruggewonnen
  Immediate: Onmiddelijk
davidmetta commented 3 years ago

Italian version:

  Limits: Limiti
  NoLimitsFound: Nessun Limite trovato
  Size: Quantità
  Name: Nome
  Type: Tipo
  InUse: In Uso
  Loop: Lavoro Periodico
  Loops: Lavori Periodici
  NoLoopsFound: Nessuno Lavoro Periodico trovato
  Schedule: Programma
  Options: Opzioni
  Held: Tenuti
  HoldTime: Tempo di tenuta
  Waited: Attesi
  WaitTime: Tempo di attesa
  Overages: Eccedenze
  Reclaimed: Reclamati
  Immediate: Immediati
mobilutz commented 1 year ago

Here is a german translation

  Limits: Grenzen
  NoLimitsFound: Keine Grenzen gefunden
  Size: Größe
  Name: Name
  Type: Typ
  InUse: In Bearbeitung
  Loop: Periodischer Job
  Loops: Periodische Jobs
  NoLoopsFound: Keine periodischen Jobs gefunden
  Schedule: Pläne
  Options: Optionen
  Held: Einbehalten
  HoldTime: Einbehaltezeit
  Waited: Wartend
  WaitTime: Wartezeit
  Overages: Veraltete
  Reclaimed: Wiedergewonnen
  Immediate: Unmittelbar
alekgosk commented 10 months ago

polish translation:

  Limits: Limity
  NoLimitsFound: Nie znaleziono limitòw
  Size: Rozmiar
  Name: Nazwa
  Type: Typ
  InUse: W użyciu
  Loop: Okresowe zadanie
  Loops: Okresowe zadania
  NoLoopsFound: Nie znaleziono okresowych zadań
  Schedule: Harmonogram
  Options: Opcje
  Held: Zachowane
  HoldTime: Czas blokowania
  Waited: Czekanie
  WaitTime: Czas oczekiwania
  Overages: Nadwyżki
  Reclaimed: Odzyskano
  Immediate: Natychmiastowy
ogom commented 5 months ago

Added Periodic to Japanese

  Limits: 制限
  NoLimitsFound: 同時実行数制限が設定されていません
  Size: サイズ
  Name: 名前
  Type: 種類
  InUse: 使用中
  Loop: 定期実行
  Loops: 定期実行
  Periodic: 定期実行
  NoLoopsFound: 定期実行ジョブがありません
  Schedule: スケジュール
  Options: オプション
  Held: ロック回数
  HoldTime: ロック秒数
  Waited: ロック解放待ち回数
  WaitTime: ロック解放待ち時間
  Overages: タイムアウト超過回数
  Reclaimed: 再ロック要求回数
  Immediate: 即時ロック取得回数