siderolabs / omni

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[bug] Empty, but default, machine set cannot use machine classes #390

Closed steverfrancis closed 2 days ago

steverfrancis commented 1 week ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

On a new cluster with no workers, there exists a default machine set, called <cluster-name>-workers. You can click "Use machine classes", and select a valid class, but on saving this gives an error that the machine set is using manual management, and cannot be switched to using machine classes. image

Expected Behavior

I would expect that the machine set, at least when empty and unused, be allowed to switch to using machine sets. Failing that, I would expect that the option to Use Machine classes would not be present.

Steps To Reproduce

Create a cluster with no workers, and try to use machine classes on default machine set.

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

No response

Anything else?

No response

Unix4ever commented 1 week ago

Makes sense for the empty machine sets, thanks!