sideshowcoder / canned

Server to respond with fake API responses, by using a directory of files for finding out what to say!
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Improve Error Message for invalid syntax #23

Open mulderp opened 10 years ago

mulderp commented 10 years ago

I observe the following:

pmu:tmp pmu$ mkdir api
pmu:tmp pmu$ cat > api/posts.json
[ "123" ]
pmu:tmp pmu$ canned
starting canned on port 3000 for ./
request: get /api/posts.json
  this.cors_enabled = !!options.cors_enabled
TypeError: Cannot read property 'cors_enabled' of undefined
    at new Response (/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/canned/lib/response.js:17:32)
    at /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/canned/canned.js:194:48
    at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)

Maybe I am missing something?

sideshowcoder commented 10 years ago

Ok I think this error is happening on an older version of canned what version are you using right now? Can you try to reproduce with the current master?

The actual error is that api/posts.json is not valid file format for canned since it is missing the HTTP Verb and posts is not a valid keyword, what would be valid is _posts.get.json which is probably what you want. But personally I would create a structure like so:

pi(master*)$ tree                                                                                                                                                             [INS]
└── posts
    └── index.get.json

1 directory, 1 file

Which would result in requests like curl localhost:3000/api/posts/ since this will serve the directory index file by default.

Still I think the error is not helpful at all so I would love to create better messages for issues like this, but for this I need to reproduce the error, any help is greatly appreciated!

kdeng commented 7 years ago

Any update about this error?