sidferreira / aor-firebase-client

Firebase client for Admin on Rest
MIT License
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Support custom timestamp field names #13

Closed grahamlyus closed 7 years ago

grahamlyus commented 7 years ago

Support for changing the timestamp field names. For example, if the user would prefer 'createdAt'/'updatedAt' instead of 'created_at'/'updated_at'

sidferreira commented 7 years ago

@grahamlyus Man, thanks a lot for all of this. My month is crazy busy and I wanted to make all this fix in September. I'm just wondering: We're using What if we allow a custom function there? Like, what if someone wants without the milisecs?

grahamlyus commented 7 years ago

No worries. I was away from my side project for a while and saw your project and decided to dispose of my effort :)

Seems like milliseconds is standard in Firebase: