sidharthanup / Audio-Analyzer-and-Transcription-Tool

End to end information extraction from audio input.
MIT License
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Test speedup of whisper transcribe call after dewhitening #33

Closed rphill299 closed 4 months ago

rphill299 commented 4 months ago

Test speedup with and without dewhitening on a clip with lots of silence

rphill299 commented 4 months ago

I've tested dewhitening and conclude it is probably worth pursuing.

I used a 3 minute audio clip with 2:40 seconds of silence, and 20 seconds of speech. The trimmed 20 seconds of speech is 9x smaller than the full 3 minutes.

The result is transcribing the trimmed 20 seconds sees about a 3x speedup compared to the 3 minute clip.

rphill299 commented 4 months ago

Need to update testing to include time needed to denoise

rphill299 commented 4 months ago

Updated testing proved fruitless, even when ignoring time needed to load file into pydub.