sidharthjain-zemoso / NodeJS-Assignments

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do research on enums #4

Open akshayvijayjain opened 1 month ago

akshayvijayjain commented 1 month ago
          do research on enums 

it is not much useful, instead use like this

export const CandidateStatus = {
  /**as we put candidate information in db */
  sourced: 'sourced',
  /** if we initiated the court search */
  court_searching: 'court_searching',
  /** court_search_complete */
  court_search_complete: 'court_search_complete',
  /** request_for_documents:
   * This status is also related with scheduled status
   * this is equivalent to pre-adverse initiated.
  request_for_documents: 'request_for_documents',
  /** In_Review – after user submits requested documents, from this it can again go to request for document */
  in_review: 'in_review',
  /** Engaged – recruiter thinks it is better to engage with candidate, regardless of court search result */
  engaged: 'engaged',
  /** Rejected – recruiter rejects candidate on account of violations */
  rejected: 'rejected',
  /** Canceled – recruiter cancels candidate flow */
  canceled: 'canceled',
} as const;

export type CandidateStatusType =
  (typeof CandidateStatus)[keyof typeof CandidateStatus];

_Originally posted by @akshayvijayjain in

akshayvijayjain commented 1 month ago

@sidharthjain-zemoso .

Please update your findings, when you get time

sidharthjain-zemoso commented 1 month ago

@sidharthjain-zemoso .

Please update your findings, when you get time
