This is enough for a working snap of pb-for-desktop.
i simply added to the electron-builder configuration the snap (like the appimage),
I tested it with my phone, the default permissions are the only needed ones
🗂 Type
[x] 🍾 Feature
[ ] 🚨 Bugfix
[ ] 📒 Documentation
[ ] 👷 Internals
🔥 Severity
[x] 💎 Non-Breaking Changes
[ ] 💔 Breaking Changes
🖥 Platforms
[ ] 🍏 macOS
[ ] 💾 Windows
[x] 🐧 Linux
🛃 Tests
[x] My changes have been tested manually.
[ ] My changes are covered by automated testing methods.
👨🎓 Miscellaneous
[x] My changes follow the style guide.
[ ] My changes require updates to the documentation.
📋 Description
This is enough for a working snap of pb-for-desktop. i simply added to the electron-builder configuration the snap (like the appimage), I tested it with my phone, the default permissions are the only needed ones
🗂 Type
🔥 Severity
🖥 Platforms
🛃 Tests
👨🎓 Miscellaneous