sidoh / esp8266_milight_hub

Replacement for a Milight/LimitlessLED hub hosted on an ESP8266
MIT License
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Settings gone after reboot/unpower #691

Closed DarkAllMan closed 3 years ago

DarkAllMan commented 3 years ago

When I shutdown the board (restart/power down), the settings are gone. I need to import the backup file and then it works. Is this software related, or is this a board issue?

What firmware version(s) have you tried?

1.10.7 (nodemcuv2)

Which ESP8266 board are you using? (nodemcu, d1_mini, etc.)


Output of http://milight-hub.local/about and http://milight-hub.local/settings


firmware "milight-hub"
version "1.10.7"
ip_address ""
reset_reason "Software/System restart"
variant "nodemcuv2"
free_heap 16040
arduino_version "2_4_2"
length 0
dropped_packets 0


admin_username ""
admin_password ""
ce_pin 4
csn_pin 15
reset_pin 0
led_pin -2
radio_interface_type "nRF24"
packet_repeats 50
http_repeat_factor 1
auto_restart_period 0
mqtt_server ""
mqtt_username ""
mqtt_password ""
mqtt_topic_pattern ""
mqtt_update_topic_pattern ""
mqtt_state_topic_pattern ""
mqtt_client_status_topic ""
simple_mqtt_client_status false
discovery_port 48899
listen_repeats 3
state_flush_interval 10000
mqtt_state_rate_limit 500
mqtt_debounce_delay 500
mqtt_retain true
packet_repeat_throttle_sensitivity 0
packet_repeat_throttle_threshold 200
packet_repeat_minimum 3
enable_automatic_mode_switching false
led_mode_wifi_config "Fast toggle"
led_mode_wifi_failed "On"
led_mode_operating "Slow blip"
led_mode_packet "Flicker"
led_mode_packet_count 3
hostname "Milight Hub"
rf24_power_level "MAX"
rf24_listen_channel "LOW"
wifi_static_ip ""
wifi_static_ip_gateway ""
wifi_static_ip_netmask ""
packet_repeats_per_loop 10
home_assistant_discovery_prefix ""
wifi_mode "n"
default_transition_period 500
0 "LOW"
1 "MID"
2 "HIGH"
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
0 1
1 1001
2 6
0 2
1 1002
2 6
0 3
1 1003
2 6
0 4
1 1004
2 6
0 5
1 1005
2 6
0 6
1 1006
2 6
0 7
1 1007
2 6
0 "state"
1 "brightness"
2 "mode"
3 "color_temp"
4 "bulb_mode"
5 "computed_color"
group_id_aliases {}
sidoh commented 3 years ago

Hi @DarkAllMan ,

Does this happen consistently? If you change a setting and reboot the device, does it always clear settings?

DarkAllMan commented 3 years ago

Today I retried again to simulate this behaviour and could not. Seems all is working ok now....