sidorares / node-mysql2

:zap: fast mysqljs/mysql compatible mysql driver for node.js
MIT License
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Mysql2 hanging when trying to create connection and make query and connection is closed in mid-protocol #731

Open elhigu opened 6 years ago

elhigu commented 6 years ago

I opened new issue, since in this case we are just using single connection and there are no queued commands like in #695.

I'm running my stress test script which breaks connection very often like every 1000 sent bytes and every 2 seconds. After running some seconds or some minutes, script hangs when trying to make query (or during connecting + making query).

node mysql2-random-hanging-every-now-and-then.js 2> /dev/null | grep -B500 -A2 -- "- STATS" 
    at Promise (/Users/mikaelle/Projects/Vincit/knex/scripts/stress-test/mysql2-random-hanging-every-now-and-then.js:14:11)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at stdMysqlQuery (/Users/mikaelle/Projects/Vincit/knex/scripts/stress-test/mysql2-random-hanging-every-now-and-then.js:12:10)
    at mysql2Query (/Users/mikaelle/Projects/Vincit/knex/scripts/stress-test/mysql2-random-hanging-every-now-and-then.js:49:21)
    at loopQueries (/Users/mikaelle/Projects/Vincit/knex/scripts/stress-test/mysql2-random-hanging-every-now-and-then.js:124:31)
    at loopQueries (/Users/mikaelle/Projects/Vincit/knex/scripts/stress-test/mysql2-random-hanging-every-now-and-then.js:115:15)
    at <anonymous> code: 'EPIPE', fatal: true }
========== Reconnecting mysql2
Add command: Connection
================ MYSQL2 Running query ======
Add command: query
 raw: 0a352e372e313800a12d000030593f1a2a06300300ffff080200ffc11500000000000000000000701a3c7e57420c786c3a3c51006d7973716c5f6e61746976655f70617373776f726400
296 undefined ==> Connection#handshakeInit(0,,78)
Server hello packet: capability flags:3254779903=(long password, found rows, long flag, connect with db, no schema, compress, odbc, local files, ignore space, protocol 41, interactive, ssl, ignore sigpipe, transactions, reserved, secure connection, multi statements, multi results, ps multi results, plugin auth, connect attrs, plugin auth lenenc client data, can handle expired passwords, session track, deprecate eof, ssl verify server cert, remember options)
Sending handshake packet: flags:8582095=(long password, found rows, long flag, connect with db, odbc, local files, ignore space, protocol 41, ignore sigpipe, transactions, reserved, secure connection, multi results, session track)
296 11681 <== Connection#handshakeInit(1,,63)
296 11681 <== 3b000001cff3820000000000e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000726f6f7400142c9a7106dc5bba637643115e7aeb4552e93cf5a500
mysql2 { Error: Connection lost: The server closed the connection.
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/Users/mikaelle/Projects/Vincit/knex/node_modules/mysql2/lib/connection.js:100:35)
    at emitNone (events.js:111:20)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:208:7)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1056:12)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9) fatal: true, code: 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST' }
================ MYSQL2 Running query ======
Add command: query
------------------------ STATS PER SECOND ------------------------
{ mysql2: { queries: 10, results: 7, errors: 3 } }
------------------------------- EOS ------------------------------
{ mysql2: { queries: 10, results: 7, errors: 3 } }
------------------------------- EOS ------------------------------
------------------------ STATS PER SECOND ------------------------
{ mysql2: { queries: 0, results: 0, errors: 0 } }
------------------------------- EOS ------------------------------
{ mysql2: { queries: 0, results: 0, errors: 0 } }
------------------------------- EOS ------------------------------
------------------------ STATS PER SECOND ------------------------
{ mysql2: { queries: 0, results: 0, errors: 0 } }
------------------------------- EOS ------------------------------
{ mysql2: { queries: 0, results: 0, errors: 0 } }
------------------------------- EOS ------------------------------
------------------------ STATS PER SECOND ------------------------
{ mysql2: { queries: 0, results: 0, errors: 0 } }
------------------------------- EOS ------------------------------
Mikaels-MacBook-Pro-2:stress-test mikaelle$ 

Test code / environment are as follows:

mysql2@1.5.2 mysql@2.15.0 node v8.9.0

docker-compose.yml (starts mysql (33306) + toxiproxy (23306))

version: '3'

    image: shopify/toxiproxy
      - "8474:8474"
      - "23306:23306"
      - "mysql"

    image: mysql:5.7
      - "33306:3306"
      - TZ=UTC
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysqlrootpassword


 * Test case for figuring out robust way to recognize if connection is dead
 * for mysql based drivers.
const Bluebird = require('bluebird');
const toxiproxy = require('toxiproxy-node-client');
const toxicli = new toxiproxy.Toxiproxy('http://localhost:8474');
const rp = require('request-promise-native');
const _ = require('lodash');

async function stdMysqlQuery(con, sql) {  
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    try {
        timeout: 500
      }, function (error, results, fields) {
        if (error) {
        } else {
    } catch (err) {
      reject(err); // double sure...

// here it is not enough to just change import to require('mysql'), 
// also way to recognize dead connection must be changed (mysql2Con.state === 'disconnected')
const mysql2 = require('mysql2');
let mysql2Con = {_fatalError: 'initmefirst'};
async function mysql2Query(sql) {
  // recreate connection on fatal error
  if (mysql2Con._fatalError) {
    console.log('========== Reconnecting mysql2');
    mysql2Con = mysql2.createConnection({
      host: 'localhost',
      user: 'root',
      password: 'mysqlrootpassword',
      port: 23306,
      connectTimeout: 500,
      debug: true
    mysql2Con.on('error', err => {
      console.log('- STATS Mysql2 connection died:', err);
  console.log('================ MYSQL2 Running query ======');
  const res = await stdMysqlQuery(mysql2Con, sql);
  console.log('====================== done ================');
  return res;

const counters = {};
function setMysqlQueryCounters(name) {
  const counts = counters[name] = {queries: 0, results: 0, errors: 0};

// start printing out counters
let lastCounters = _.cloneDeep(counters);
setInterval(() => {
  const reqsPerSec = {};
  for (let key of Object.keys(counters)) {
    reqsPerSec[key] = {
      queries: (counters[key].queries - lastCounters[key].queries),
      results: (counters[key].results - lastCounters[key].results),
      errors: (counters[key].errors - lastCounters[key].errors),
  console.log('------------------------ STATS PER SECOND ------------------------');
  console.dir(reqsPerSec, {colors: true});
  console.log('------------------------------- EOS ------------------------------');
  lastCounters = _.cloneDeep(counters);
}, 1000);  

async function recreateProxy(serviceName, listenPort, proxyToPort) {
  try {
    await rp.delete({
      url: `${}/proxies/${serviceName}`
  } catch(err) {}

  const proxy = await toxicli.createProxy({
    name: serviceName,
    listen: `${listenPort}`,
    upstream: `${serviceName}:${proxyToPort}`

  // add some latency
  await proxy.addToxic(new toxiproxy.Toxic(proxy, {
    type: 'latency',
    attributes: {latency: 1, jitter: 1}

  // cause connections to be closed every some transferred bytes
  await proxy.addToxic(new toxiproxy.Toxic(proxy, {
    type: 'limit_data',
    attributes: {bytes: 1000}

async function main() {
  await recreateProxy('mysql', 23306, 3306);
  setInterval(() => recreateProxy('mysql', 23306, 3306), 2000);

  async function loopQueries(prefix, query) {
    const counts = counters[prefix];

    while(true) {
      try {
        counts.queries += 1;
        // without this delay we might endup to busy failure loop
        await Bluebird.delay(0);
        await query();
        counts.results += 1;
      } catch (err) {
        counts.errors += 1;
        console.log(prefix, err);

  loopQueries('mysql2', () => mysql2Query('select 1'));

  // wait forever
  while(true) {
    await Bluebird.delay(1000);

main().then(() => console.log('DONE')).catch(err => console.log(err));

Again sorry for the pretty complicated test setup and finding such difficult problem to figure out. I just hope you are able to reproduce theses findings.

I'm going to add these tests to knex repo to be able to verify in future knex versions that all the dialects have robust way to recognize connection state and drop/create connections to pool even in case when connections are lost in middle of protocol.

sidorares commented 6 years ago

can you create a gist so I don't need to copy text manually (and see what needs to go to npm install)? Ideally with some start scripts in package.json ? I think it's better tool compared to a bunch of fence code blocks :)

elhigu commented 6 years ago

Absolutely true. Will do (tomorrow, now I'll get some sleep) 👍

EDIT: no I didn't, I built some shelves to storage room instead :) trying it again today, because for the rest of the week I don't have any spare time either.

elhigu commented 6 years ago


npm install 
npm run docker:start
npm run test:die
npm run test:hang
npm run docker:stop
kibertoad commented 6 years ago

@sidorares Did you manage to reproduce it in the end or is some additional assistance still needed?

sidorares commented 6 years ago

can't remember, I think first time I tried docker example it worked for me, Can you try it yourself @kibertoad ? Would be great if you can assist

kibertoad commented 6 years ago

@sidorares Could you please check if this works for you? Unfortunately I'll only get access to Mac machine in about 10 days, and Docker on Windows is a mess.

elhigu commented 6 years ago

@kibertoad I've been using this lately for docker in windows it's been working pretty nice :)