siduction / release-orga

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Minimal edition #19

Open Bixilon opened 1 year ago

Bixilon commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I am proposing for a minimal edition. I installed it, it is running great, but there is so much "bloatware" installed (All those different screencast softwars, user programs (like libreoffice)). I don't need most of that.

I suggest a switch in the installer for default software or minimal software (just the desktop environment).


fethomm commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your proposal. We are working on a net-install option, where you cannot only choose your desktop environment, but also your packages. I guess that would fit your proposal.

hhl commented 1 year ago

But first we have to demote the recommends by blacklisting, or am I wrong? We install with recommends, otherwise the system wont work IIRC. That is the reason why our system is so blown up. And, yeah thanks for your input, your welcome!

Bixilon commented 1 year ago

i mean i purged a lot of stuff:

I mean I am a dev, so I don't need most stuff. I can understand if people need some applications. I still kept libreoffce :ice_cream:

Interestingly is, that the nvidia drivers were not preinstalled and installing them afterwards required enabling patching the power management (kernel parameter and some systemd services for suspending, ...). That could be installed by default (if the hardware matches). But I would not count this to optional software.

Still, thanks for the distribution, it it making a decent impression.

fweller commented 9 months ago

I want to provide a second to the request by Bixilion. There are a lot of unnecessary apps in the Siduction ISO's.

Some of these are truly just apps can easily be removed (all the music, disk burning, video things). These apps are anything that doesn't start with "k" (i use the KDE Plasma desktop, and the Siduction KDE plasma installer).

But all of the "k" apps from KDE come bundled with the packages called kde-full or kde-standard or task-kde-desktop, and it is very difficult to remove them when building an ISO installer, and also difficult to remove them manually without borking the system. The simplest solution is to only install kde-plasma-desktop, but this also comes with a little bit of bloat. With some more effort, it would be possible to only install the lower-level packages that are desired, and never use the high level packages that bring in all the bloat.

I prefer to use containers for my apps as much as possible, so I use LibreOffice and Firefox as a flatpak, and I delete the debian package versions.

fethomm commented 9 months ago

Like I wrote in April (yes, I know), we are planning a net-install option, where you cannot only choose your desktop environment, but also your packages. I guess that would fit your proposal. We are a small distribution and everyone has a busy job. So things take time.