Closed sean-fitzpatrick closed 3 months ago
Here is my rough categorization of the contents of a <p>:
Characters nbsp (non-breaking space) mdash (em-dash) ndash (en-dash) lsq (left single quote) rsq (right single quote) rq (right double quote) lq (left double quote) ldblbracket (left double bracket) rdblbracket (right double bracket) langle (left angle) rangle (right angle) minus (minus sign) times (multiplication sign) solidus (division slash) obelus (division symbol) plusminus (plus/minus sign) degree (degree symbol) prime (prime symbol) dblprime (double prime symbol) ellipsis midpoint (centred dot) swungdash (weird tilde thingy) permille (percent, but 1000) pilcrow (paragraph mark) section-mark (section mark) copyleft (backwards copyright) copyright registered trademark phonomark (like registered, but a P) servicemark (like trademark, but SM)
Text macros today (prints the date) timeofday (prints the time) tex (TeX) latex (LaTeX) xetex (XeTeX) xelatex (XeLaTeX) pretext (PreTeXt) webwork (WeBWorK) ad (a.d. (anno domini)) am (a.m. (ante meridian)) bc (b.c. (before Christ)) ca (ca. (circa)) eg (e.g. (for example)) etal (et. al.) etc (etc.) ie (i.e.) nb (n.b.) pm (p.m. (post meridian)) ps (p.s. (post script)) vs (vs.) vis (vis.)
Formatting environments quantity (for quantities with units) abbr (abbreviation) acro (acronym) init (initialization) q (quotes) sq (single quotes) angles (angle brackets) dblbrackets (double square brackets) em (emphasis) term (terminology -- bolded) alert (needs attentiion -- bolded) pubtitle (publication title) articletitle (article title) foreign (foreign language) taxon (taxonomy) notation
Special icon (allows for insertion of various symbols) kbd (keyboard icons)
Editing marks delete insert stale
PTX tags tag (for entering a ptx tag) tage (self-closing tag) attr (attribute)
Music doublesharp sharp natural flat doubleflat scaledeg timesignature n chord
Math m me men md mdn
Lists ol ul dl
Code c cd
Other url (external URL) xref (cross reference) fn (footnote) idx (index entry) var (WeBWorK variable) fillin (an answer blank, possibly deprecated) email (email address)
Correction: notation should be under Other: it's like idx, but for notation.
Great! This has been incorporated into the new <SyntaxDisplay /> so I am closing this issue.
<SyntaxDisplay />
Here is my rough categorization of the contents of a
nbsp (non-breaking space) mdash (em-dash) ndash (en-dash) lsq (left single quote) rsq (right single quote) rq (right double quote) lq (left double quote) ldblbracket (left double bracket) rdblbracket (right double bracket) langle (left angle) rangle (right angle) minus (minus sign) times (multiplication sign) solidus (division slash) obelus (division symbol) plusminus (plus/minus sign) degree (degree symbol) prime (prime symbol) dblprime (double prime symbol) ellipsis
midpoint (centred dot) swungdash (weird tilde thingy) permille (percent, but 1000) pilcrow (paragraph mark) section-mark (section mark) copyleft (backwards copyright) copyright
phonomark (like registered, but a P) servicemark (like trademark, but SM)
Text macros today (prints the date) timeofday (prints the time) tex (TeX) latex (LaTeX) xetex (XeTeX) xelatex (XeLaTeX) pretext (PreTeXt) webwork (WeBWorK) ad (a.d. (anno domini)) am (a.m. (ante meridian)) bc (b.c. (before Christ)) ca (ca. (circa)) eg (e.g. (for example)) etal (et. al.) etc (etc.) ie (i.e.) nb (n.b.) pm (p.m. (post meridian)) ps (p.s. (post script)) vs (vs.) vis (vis.)
Formatting environments quantity (for quantities with units) abbr (abbreviation) acro (acronym) init (initialization) q (quotes) sq (single quotes) angles (angle brackets) dblbrackets (double square brackets) em (emphasis) term (terminology -- bolded) alert (needs attentiion -- bolded) pubtitle (publication title) articletitle (article title) foreign (foreign language) taxon (taxonomy) notation
Special icon (allows for insertion of various symbols) kbd (keyboard icons)
Editing marks delete insert stale
PTX tags tag (for entering a ptx tag) tage (self-closing tag) attr (attribute)
Music doublesharp sharp natural flat doubleflat scaledeg timesignature n chord
Math m me men md mdn
Lists ol ul dl
Code c cd
Other url (external URL) xref (cross reference) fn (footnote) idx (index entry) var (WeBWorK variable) fillin (an answer blank, possibly deprecated) email (email address)