siegelaaron94 / atom-build-cmake

Generate and build cmake projects from within Atom.
MIT License
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Running make creates another CMakeFiles directory #12

Closed krey closed 8 years ago

krey commented 8 years ago

I'm using build-cmake with build and build-make.

If I build "generate", CMakeFiles is put in ../projectname-build/. This doesn't actually run make.

If I build "GNU make: default (no target)", it puts a copy of CMakeFiles in .. Is this the intended behaviour or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you

I'm using Atom 1.8.0, build 0.64.0, build-make 0.10.0, build-cmake 0.5.3 on ArchLinux.

siegelaaron94 commented 8 years ago

Well, it sounds like you have a few different things going on here, one if your project is a CMake project, i.e., contains CMakeLists.txt then there is no need to have build-make. It sounds like you do have a CMake project and an in source CMake generation was performed. The issue with this is that a Makefile and CMakeLists.txt exists in the directory, and for some reason, make-build is being preferred. To fix this, I would remove all of the files that CMake generates (mainly the Makefile) then open the project again in Atom, and all should be good.

krey commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the speedy response. Yes I have a CMakeLists.txt file. I've disabled build-make as you suggested and deleted the in source Makefile. My issue is then that "generate" doesn't run make for me. It creates the ../projectname-build directory, but it doesn't compile anything.

siegelaaron94 commented 8 years ago

Okay after it CMake generation you have to change the target to the target that you want to build. By default, if there will be a combo box on the bottom left of the editor. Currently it should say "generate" click on it and change it to all or whatever target you want to compile.

krey commented 8 years ago

"generate" is the only option. Maybe the issue is with my CMakeLists.txt?

project(Numerical CXX)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)

add_executable(hw1 hw1.cpp

add_executable(hw2 hw2.cpp

add_executable(hw3 hw3-old.cpp

add_executable (hw7 hw7.cpp


include_directories(/usr/include/eigen3 "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}")

link_directories(/usr/local/lib /usr/lib)
target_link_libraries (hw7 gsl cblas)
siegelaaron94 commented 8 years ago

The file looks okay the only issue that I could see is something about the files 'linalg/lu linalg/cholesky linalg/solvers diffeq/poisson montecarlo/randomgen montecarlo/montecarlo mertonblackscholes/mbscalculator mertonblackscholes/mertonblackscholes' look kind of fishy what are they are they c/cpp source files without the extension or are they static/shared libraries? What is the output of the generate step? By the way sounds like you are working on some very interesting problems.

krey commented 8 years ago

I added .cpp to the file paths, but it didn't affect the behaviour. (This is my first day using CMake (or Atom for that matter) so I might be making very obvious mistakes.)

Here's the output:

-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 6.1.1
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/krey/Courses/Numerical Methods/Homework/Numerical-build

By the way sounds like you are working on some very interesting problems.

I have to agree :)

siegelaaron94 commented 8 years ago

I think it might be that the version of build-cmake is old is just release another version 0.6.0 today try updating to that and see if that helps (go to settings -> updates -> update all). I accidently published the wrong branch in a version around the one you have so I think that might be the issue.

krey commented 8 years ago

Thanks, unfortunately, I'd already upgraded at the time of my last comment.

(I also haven't changed any configuration options)