siemens / cmp-ra-component

A CMP Registration Authority (RA)
Apache License 2.0
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github actions: SONAR_TOKEN not found - pipeline fails #102

Open kiron-mx opened 3 months ago

kiron-mx commented 3 months ago

Currently, the pipeline for sonarcloud fails.

The debug output is:

##[debug]Evaluating: secrets.SONAR_TOKEN
##[debug]Evaluating Index:
##[debug]..Evaluating secrets:
##[debug]..=> Object
##[debug]..Evaluating String:
##[debug]..=> 'SONAR_TOKEN'
##[debug]=> null
##[debug]Result: null

Therefore, the sonarcloud project cannot be found. Error message:

Error:  Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project CmpRaComponent: Project not found. Please check the 'sonar.projectKey' and 'sonar.organization' properties, the 'SONAR_TOKEN' environment variable, or contact the project administrator