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Pane component does not respect parent size #1305

Open raphaelgodart opened 1 month ago

raphaelgodart commented 1 month ago


What happened?

The Pane component does not respect its parent size. When putting ix-pane in a parent div, ix-pane bleeds out of the parent div. This is due to position: absolute which is set on the :host of the pane component. When overriding positioning and setting it to unset, the sizing occurs as expected and the Pane respects its parent size.

This StackBlitz illustrates the issue:

What type of frontend framework are you seeing the problem on?


Which version of iX do you use?


Code to produce this issue.
github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

🤖 Hello @raphaelgodart

Your issue will be analyzed and is part of our internal workflow. To get informed about our workflow please checkout the Contributing Guidelines

JIRA: IX-1322