siemens / ix

Siemens Industrial Experience is a design system for designers and developers, to consistently create the perfect digital experience for industrial software products.
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Status of progress bar component #1309

Closed muratayik closed 3 weeks ago

muratayik commented 3 weeks ago


Suggestion / feature request

Hi, we are planning to use progress bar in our application. I can see that there is already a pull request waiting. Is there an estimated time for progress bar to be released?

danielleroux commented 3 weeks ago

@muratayik We are discussed this in core team to take over the pullrequest because the original author stopped working on the pull request. We dont has a estimate date.

I will close this issue here. If you have any other questions please use our community forums:

rouven-s commented 2 weeks ago

@muratayik I continued the development today and added all required tests etc. Waiting for the review by the maintainers now :)