siemens / ix

Siemens Industrial Experience is a design system for designers and developers, to consistently create the perfect digital experience for industrial software products.
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<ix-validation-tooltip> Validation tooltips do not have any z-index #1314

Open intuiquest opened 3 weeks ago

intuiquest commented 3 weeks ago


What happened?

<ix-validation-tooltip/> shadow root node <div role="tooltip" class="validation-tooltip text-default" ... /> does not have any z-index set, hence the tooltip mix visually with nearby components.


What type of frontend framework are you seeing the problem on?


Which version of iX do you use?


Code to produce this issue.

I will provide soon a stackblitz sample
matthiashader commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @intuiquest ! Could you kindly provide us with a working stackblitzexample? I have tried recreating it: