siemens / ix

Siemens Industrial Experience is a design system for designers and developers, to consistently create the perfect digital experience for industrial software products.
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Hard to see active tab #1341

Closed katjaKoppensteiner closed 1 week ago

katjaKoppensteiner commented 1 week ago


What happened?

We have implemented the Tabs provided by iX but I as UX designer get very often the feedback that it is really hard to see which tab is currently active/selected.

See: image

Proposal from my side: Add color-ghost--selected background color if tab is selected; I have introduced this color as selected color whenever the user selects something. I did user tests with your suggested colors (eg.: component-1--active) but the difference is too less and its not visible/recognizable. Example: image

What type of frontend framework are you seeing the problem on?


Which version of iX do you use?


Code to produce this issue.

<ix-tabs [selected]="selectedTab">
        <ix-tab-item (click)="changeTab(0)">Tab 1</ix-tab-item>
        <ix-tab-item (click)="changeTab(1)">Tab 2</ix-tab-item>
        <ix-tab-item (click)="changeTab(2)">Tab 3</ix-tab-item>
nuke-ellington commented 1 week ago

Duplicate #1245