siemens / ix

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Extend category filter (contains, startsWidth, endsWidth) #1342

Open katjaKoppensteiner opened 1 week ago

katjaKoppensteiner commented 1 week ago


Suggestion / feature request

We want to implement a common search & filter pattern similar to github or code siemens or tfs. A typical flow would be: User wants to search for a device with "label = asdf" and "name contains something" this is with the current provided category filter not possible since it is only providing equals and not equals as option.

Example from code.siemens behavior: image


It would be cool to have the flow like this

  1. category
  2. contains, equals, not equals, starts with, ends with
  3. value

Further internal concept documentation can be requested if you ask me directly, i would like to help you but i do not want to post it officially in here.