siemens / ix

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Dynamic ix-select with backend search functionality #1363

Open karakuz opened 3 days ago

karakuz commented 3 days ago


Suggestion / feature request

Need dynamic select component with ability to search server side and populate the select items according to backend's response. I can achieve similar result with current components but requires too much modification Flow:

Initial state: image A search icon on the left hand side of the select's input and hidden spinner(loader) initially

Loading/Searching state: image whenever user types something, spinner should be activated(manual activation via js or auto doesn't matter) in the meantime a search request is sent to backend

Last state: image Results from backend should be populated inside the component as ix-select-item(or whatever)

Current ix-select only searches in already available ix-select-items inside, just need to convert that functionality to server-side search plus loader & search icons If there is already a similar component that we achieve similar results, let me know